Russians Hit Drone Convention With a Missile Strike in Chernihiv – MSM Runs Cover for Ukrainian Regime, as Local Citizens Criticize Military Event on Populated Area
Mainstream media is aflush with the new story of a missile attack on the northern Ukrainian city of Chernihiv.

Mainstream media is aflush with the new story of a missile attack on the northern Ukrainian city of Chernihiv. But as usual, in the interest of propaganda, they fail to point out to the reader some very basic information: what exactly was targeted and hit?

It turns out that – in a move that can be perceived as retaliation for the multiple drone attacks on Moscow and other Russian territories – the Russian Federation forces performed a missile strike in the Chernihiv Drama Theatre, where a DRONE CONVENTION was taking place.

WATCH the Missile Hitting the theater:

Take a look at the formidable bias in the way Reuters reported it:

Seven people including a 6-year-old child were killed and 129 wounded when a Russian missile struck a central square in the historic northern Ukrainian city of Chernihiv, the interior ministry said on Saturday.

People had been on their way to church to celebrate a religious holiday when the strike took place, the ministry said. Of the 129 counted as wounded in the search and rescue operation, 15 were children and 15 were police officers, Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko said in a Telegram post.”

‘People had been on their way to church’ – that’s the way they want to frame what amounts to a hit on Kiev’s Military Industry.

It isn’t until the lower half of the piece that they deign to inform us of a meaningful detail:

“Ukrainian media reported that a public event featuring drone manufacturers had been taking place inside the theatre at the time of the attack. Both sides in Russia’s 18-month-old invasion have widely used drones on the battlefield.

In comments to reporters, [Minister] Klymenko confirmed only that an unspecified event had been taking place in the building and that Ukraine’s domestic security service was investigating the matter.”

WATCH: Another view of the rocket hitting the roof of the Drama Theater in Chernihiv during an exhibition and presentation of Ukrainian drones, with the participation of manufacturers, flight schools and the military.

The organizers chose the northern historical city with leafy boulevards and centuries-old churches, and tried to keep it a secret – but the Russian military received the information through agents and technical channels – and decided to attack.

WATCH: girl with the camera was in the right place at the right time.

Juan Sinmiedo reported on Telegram:

[] The present ‘exhibition’ was a term used to conceal the fact that it was a meeting between Ukrainian Army officials and military manufacturers.

On the email to the guests of the event the following guidance was advised: ‘We urge you to come to the event in civilian clothes. If possible, change into a military uniform to avoid identifying the event as being related to the military sphere’.

The event is closed, contains information that is sensitive to the country’s defense capability (developments are presented), as well as the fact that most of the participants are active military. Therefore, filming or photographing participants is possible only with their prior verbal consent, the invitation says.”

Outrage in Ukrainian social media.

Outrage is growing in Ukrainian social media. For the sake of economic profits for military manufacturers, the event was held in a populated area, putting the lives of civilians at risk.

The event was held in cooperation with the Chernihiv Regional Military Administration and the Defense Cluster.

The post Russians Hit Drone Convention With a Missile Strike in Chernihiv – MSM Runs Cover for Ukrainian Regime, as Local Citizens Criticize Military Event on Populated Area appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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