Senate Intel Chair Confirms CISA, FBI Have Resumed Coercing Social Media Companies to Censor the Speech of MILLIONS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS
In March, theUS Supreme Court heard arguments from The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft, the state ofMissouri,the state ofLouisiana,Dr.
Illustration by The Gateway Pundit

In March, the US Supreme Court heard arguments from The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft , the state of Missouri, the state of LouisianaDr. Jay BhattacharyaDr. Martin KulldorffAaron Kheriaty, and Jill Hines (“Free Speech Plaintiffs”) in arguments against the Biden Administration and an army of government agencies.

Before all of the appeals, the case originally started after the States of Missouri and Louisiana, joined by The Gateway Pundit and the other individuals, noted above, alleged that the Biden White House and DOZENS of federal officials and agencies were conspiring with and/ or coercing Social Media Companies such as Facebook, Twitter and others to censor the speech of MILLIONS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS, particularly during COVID and the lead-up to and aftermath of the 2020 Presidential Election.

Evidence clearly showed – and even Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the FBI pressured Facebook to take down the Hunter Biden laptop story – in true Fascist manner, the Feds worked with or otherwise demanded that Big Tech police the speech that they disagreed with and that went against the government’s approved party dogma.

The Gateway Pundit and the other Plaintiffs initially sought out a preliminary injunction and were able to acquire a substantial amount of evidence in support of that injunction.  You may recall that, probably not coincidentally, on July 4, 2023, Federal Judge Terry Doughty issued an order granting Gateway Pundit, et al’s motion for the preliminary injunction, preventing the government from working with Big Tech to censor Americans’ speech while the full lawsuit was being battled (likely to be a multi-year period).  The government immediately appealed this Order to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing that the injunction was improper and that the plaintiffs lacked the proper authority to challenge government action.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals substantially agreed with the good guys, and the scheming government tyrants were left with no choice but to appeal their case yet again  – this time to the Supreme Court of the United States.

What is interesting about this case is also the fact that the government agencies, including the FBI and CISA were pressuring the tech giants to take down mostly truthful and accurate information that would keep Americans informed on the issues and open to alternative ideas.  The information on COVID and elections was certainly sourced and researched by The Gateway Pundit and others before it was reported but the government did not want the truth to get out.

For example, this week the House Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released evidence that the State Department knew that the COVID virus was leaked from a Wuhan Biolab and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) covered it up. They hid this from the American public.

This was information the US government was pressuring tech giants to censor and ban on social media.

The Supreme Court is going to decide if government has a right to censor speech in America in the Murthy vs. Missouri case. The decision is not expected until June. In the meantime, Senator Mark Warner, the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee announced this week that CISA and the FBI have resumed their meetings with the far left tech giants on removing information they deem to be misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation.

This is taking place before the 2024 election.

The left-leaning NextGov reported:

Key federal agencies have resumed discussions with social media companies over removing disinformation on their sites as the November presidential election nears, a stark reversal after the Biden administration for months froze communications with social platforms amid a pending First Amendment case in the Supreme Court, a top senator said Monday.

Mark Warner, D-Va., who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, told reporters in a briefing at RSA Conference that agencies restarted talks with social media companies as the Supreme Court heard arguments in Murthy v. Missouri, a case that first began in the Fifth Circuit appellate court last July. The case was fueled by allegations that federal agencies like the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency were coercing platforms to remove content related to vaccine safety and 2020 presidential election results.

The Supreme Court is expected to decide whether agencies are allowed to stay in touch with social media firms about potential disinformation. Missouri’s then-Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed the suit on the grounds that the Biden administration violated First Amendment rights pertaining to free speech online in a bid to suppress politically conservative voices.

According to Warner, communications between agencies and social platforms resumed roughly around the same time that multiple justices appeared to favor the executive branch’s stance on the issue, he said.

Actually, Murthy vs. Missouri is about the government coercing tech companies to restrict speech of opinions and facts they don’t approve of.

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