Senator Mike Lee Expertly Destroys Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s Absurd Argument Against Impeaching Mayorkas – Issues Warning to Democrats (VIDEO)
As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier, the Senate, at Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s urging, voted to dismiss both articles of impeachment against Mayorkas, who has presided over the worst border crisis in American history.
Credit: @SenMikeLee

As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier, the Senate, at Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s urging, voted to dismiss both articles of impeachment against Mayorkas, who has presided over the worst border crisis in American history. In doing so, they upset 227 years of congressional precedent.

Both articles were rejected on a party-line vote, though Senator Lisa Murkowski (RINO-AK) voted present on the first one. The final vote to adjourn proceedings was also on a party-line vote.

Schumer absurdly argued before the votes that the articles of impeachment against Mayorkas violated the U.S. Constitution. He claimed they did not “allege conduct that rises to the level of a high crime or misdemeanor” as required under Article 2 of the Constitution.

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), however, was not having any of Schumer’s nonsense. Drawing on his extensive legal expertise, he destroyed the loudmouth New Yorker’s asinine argument against impeaching Mayorkas.



Madam President, as wrong as the Majority Leader was moments ago in making this particular point of order as to Article I of the impeachment articles, Article I, remember, refers to the willful defiance by Sec. Mayorkas of the law.

As wrong as he was in making that as to Article I, and he was very wrong for the reasons articulated moments ago by the Senator from Texas, he is even more wrong – far more so – with respect to Article II, because Article II accuses him of knowingly making false statements.

This is a violation of 18 USC Section 1001, a felony offense. If this is not a high crime and misdemeanor, what is? If this is not impeachable, what is? What precedent will we be setting? We need to address this; we need to discuss it in a closed session.

For that reason, Madam President, I move that the Senate proceed with a closed session to allow for deliberation on this very consequential point of order that he’s just made that violates hundreds of years of Anglo-American legal precedent and understanding on the question required by impeachment rule 24.

Following the Senate’s dismissal of the charges, Lee warned the Democrats by insinuating that turnabout would be fair play.

Today, Senate Democrats refused to do their constitutional duty. They let Mayorkas off for destroying our border, with no trial, throwing out over two centuries of precedent—and creating a new one.

We will remember this, next time Democrats want to remove someone from office.

Mike Lee is one of the good ones in the Senate, and one can count on him keeping his promise. The question is, will his GOP colleagues heed his words?

The post Senator Mike Lee Expertly Destroys Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s Absurd Argument Against Impeaching Mayorkas – Issues Warning to Democrats (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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