Special Agent David Lazarus Who Lied Under Oath Against the Oath Keepers During Their Trial Is Leaving the Department for Another Agency – Will Walk Free following His Confirmed Perjury in Co
In July, 2023, The Gateway Pundit and Cowboy Logic offered proof that the DOJ edited video to incriminate the Oath Keepers during their trial.

In July, 2023, The Gateway Pundit and Cowboy Logic offered proof that the DOJ edited video to incriminate the Oath Keepers during their trial.

The DOJ’s star witness in the Oath Keepers trial, Special Agent David Lazarus. lied under oath and was not present during an alleged confrontation as he testified in court.

Lazarus was in a different location. In July 2023, Donna Fiducia and Don Neuen co-hosts of Cowboy Logic on Real America’s Voice, released evidence that the Biden DOJ edited footage from January 6 in order to convict innocent January 6 protesters and Oath Keepers members.

According to J6 defendant Kelly Meggs and other Oath Keepers, Officer Dunn’s testimony changed throughout the trial. His final testimony was that he felt threatened by the Oath Keepers. From the evidence we have gathered at The Gateway Pundit we believe Harry Dunn was not being honest during his testimony. And there is video to confirm this.

During the Oath Keeper trials, video footage that shows the Oath Keepers guarding Office Dunn, in a semi-circle facing away from Dunn, and speaking with protestors to diffuse anger or hostile actions toward Office Dunn, was never seen in court and could not substantiate their claim. It was edited out by the prosecution!

** Please donate to Kelly Meggs here – a victim of government deceit.

Investigative reporter Steve Baker was the first to uncover the entire video that proves Officer Lazarus lied under oath during the Oath Keeper’s trial.

In November Steve Baker from The Blaze TV released security camera evidence that Capitol Police Special Agent David Lazarus lied during this testimony at the Oath Keeper’s trial.

And there is no way that the DOJ prosecutors did not know that he was lying during his testimony.

David Lazarus said he witnessed Oath Keepers harassing Officer Harry Dunn in the Capitol Rotunda on January 6, 2021. 

But security camera images released by Baker prove that Agent Lazarus WAS NOT PRESENT IN THE BUILDING AT THE TIME of the alleged incident! 

Steve Baker: In The Blaze’s Oct. 4th story about Special Agent Lazarus, we were able to show, in great detail, what he testified to witnessing between Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn and four Oath Keepers on January 6, he simply could not have seen because Lazarus was in another Senate office building across the street from Constitution Ave. at the time the encounter between Dunn and the Oath Keepers began. We were able to track Lazarus while he was escorting Senators and staff on Capitol CCTV cameras.

Special Agent Lazarus committed perjury in from of the DC Courts in order to condemn several men to prison for over a decade!

Special Agent David Lazarus falsely testified during the Oath Keepers trial to indict innocent men.

Special Agent Lazarus is a liar. He should be charged and locked away for his vicious assault on innocent Americas!

But nothing will happed to Special Agent Lazarus. And Officer Harry Dunn who also committed perjury when he lied in court telling his story, is now running for Congress as a Democrat.

On Thursday Steve Baker reported that Special Agent Lazarus is leaving the Capitol Police Department. The Biden regime is moving him to a “another agency.”

How do these monsters sleep at night?

The post Special Agent David Lazarus Who Lied Under Oath Against the Oath Keepers During Their Trial Is Leaving the Department for Another Agency – Will Walk Free following His Confirmed Perjury in Court appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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