Staten Island Republican Party Endorses The Gateway Pundit’s Cara Castronuova for US Senate!
The Richmond County Republican Party has endorsed The Gateway Pundit’s own Cara Castronuova for the United States Senate.

The Richmond County Republican Party has endorsed The Gateway Pundit’s own Cara Castronuova for the United States Senate.

On Thursday, Republicans from all 62 New York counties will gather to vote on a candidate to run against Democrat Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

In his endorsement of Castronuova, Staten Island Republican Party Chairman Michael Tannousis said, “New York needs a fighter in the United States Senate – a fierce advocate with the charisma and passion to fight for what is right.”

“Cara Castronuova has already proven that she is relentless in defending American freedoms,” Tannousis continued. “She has used her voice to advocate for common sense solutions and to stop ridiculous government policies and overreach. Americans are desperate for leaders who will address the crisis at the border and the real issues impacting our home communities. Cara believes that our best days are ahead of us, and we do too. I am proud to endorse Cara Castronuova for United States Senate.”

Those who wish to donate to Castronuova’s campaign can do so here.

Staten Island Republican Party Chief Operating Officer Anthony Reinhart added, “She’s the daughter of a United States Marine, who deeply understands the importance of preserving American values. She’s a two-time Golden Gloves champion who realizes the fight ahead. She’s been a small business owner, mentor, and on-air TV personality who knows how to motivate people.”

“Cara Castronuova has stood up to big government mandates, stood with everyday citizens, and stood by our Constitution. She exemplifies the characteristics of who we need representing us in the US Senate. It is my honor to stand with Cara Castronuova as she undertakes this campaign for United States Senate.”

Castronouva is an investigative journalist for Gateway Pundit and a reporter with Newsmax, but she is also a former two-time Golden Gloves Boxing Champion and head trainer on NBC’s The Biggest Loser.

As a natural fighter, Castronouva has dedicated herself to getting justice for those wrongfully convicted over January 6 and has long fought against medical tyranny. She did this, in part, by founding “Liberate New York” and “Citizens Against Political Persecution.”

Responding to the ringing endorsements, Castronuova said, “Thank you to Chairman Michael Tannousis and the Staten Island Republican Party Leadership for believing in me. With sincere respect, I am asking the rest of the NYS chairs to support me. I have been a fighter my whole life. Let me get inside the ropes against Kirsten Gillibrand – one on one, woman vs. woman. I will knock her out of D.C. and bring home the title to the Republican Party.”

America First icons Roger Stone and Rudy Giuliani have also strongly endorsed Castronuova.

Castronuova is an America First firebrand and strong supporter of former President Donald Trump — unlike the other two candidates, Mike Sapraicone and Josh Eisen, who have not publicly expressed support for the Republican presidential frontrunner.

If you live in New York State, please call your County Chairman and ask them to support Cara Castronuova in this week’s nominating convention.

If you live outside New York State, you can still call Albany Headquarters at (518) 462-2601 and ask the NYS Chairman to consider Cara Castronuova.

Those who wish to donate to Castronuova’s campaign can do so here.

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