Study: COVID Shots Possibly Fueled Millions of Deaths in 47 Countries Since Beginning of the Pandemic Due to “Adverse Events”
A recently released significant study has confirmed the suspicions of so-called COVID “conspiracy theorists” by suggesting a link between the COVID-19 shot and millions of excess deaths worldwide.

A recently released significant study has confirmed the suspicions of so-called COVID “conspiracy theorists” by suggesting a link between the COVID-19 shot and millions of excess deaths worldwide.

As GB News reported on Tuesday, scientists from the Netherlands’ Vrije Universiteit discovered despite the rollout of 13.5 billion COVID vaccines across the globe, excess mortality remained shockingly high. These findings were published in BMJ Public Health.

The scientists wrote that this “new” information raised “serious concerns.” They then elaborated on adverse events that have been reported following the introduction of the Fauci ouchie, including severe injuries and deaths.

“Although COVID-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the COVID-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well,” the authors wrote. “Both medical professionals and citizens have reported serious injuries and deaths following vaccination to various official databases in the Western World.”

“During the pandemic, it was emphasized by politicians and the media on a daily basis that every Covid-19 death mattered and every life deserved protection through containment measures and Covid-19 vaccines,” they continued. “In the aftermath of the pandemic, the same moral should apply.”

The scientists went on to cite numerous studies which revealed that COVID-19 vaccination may induce myocarditis, pericarditis, and autoimmune diseases.

“This commonality hinders clinical suspicion and consequently its detection as adverse vaccine reactions,” the authors wrote.

The study goes on to note there have been over 3 million excess deaths in 47 western countries between 2020 and 2022. These include the United States, Australia, and nations in Europe.

The study cites that 1,033,122 excess deaths occurred in 2020 when the pandemic started and individuals had no immunity. But the numbers ROSE to 1,256,942 in 2021 and fell to just 808,392 in 2022.

Such news should come as a surprise to Gateway Pundit readers, given the fact COVID-19 vaccines have already been directly linked to deaths by otherwise healthy individuals.

As TGP reported, “Dr.” Anthony Fauci also finally came clean admitted that COVID shots can cause myocarditis while discussing the recent surge in COVID-19 cases and the ongoing vaccine drive last year.

Moreover, back in March, the FDA also admitted the COVID shot leads to a significantly elevated risk of seizure in toddlers. Yet government agencies around America continue to urge COVID vaccination for children as young as SIX MONTHS OLD.

How many more suspicious deaths and injuries will occur before the federal government finally takes action and launches a full-scale investigation to provide answers to the American people?

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