Team Trump Offers Podcaster Kicked Out of DeSantis Event Full Access to Travel With His Press Corps
The Gateway Pundit reported that a disabled man in a wheelchair and conservative podcaster, Matt Kim, were removed from a Ron DeSantis campaign event on the eve of the Iowa caucuses.
Conservative podcaster Matt Kim

The Gateway Pundit reported that a disabled man in a wheelchair and conservative podcaster, Matt Kim, were removed from a Ron DeSantis campaign event on the eve of the Iowa caucuses.

Now, Team Trump is stepping up and offering Kim full access to the campaign and an opportunity to travel with the press corps.

Kim, who had no prior history of disruptive behavior or negative commentary about DeSantis, shared his baffling ejection from the event on social media.

“Just got kicked out of the DeSantis event. I’ve never made a video about him. Ever. I’ve never caused a problem. Ever. I’ve never trolled IRL. Ever. He wants to be President? What a joke,” he wrote.

He added, “I had a ticket to the DeSantis campaign and they even called me to confirm my attendance. Kicked me out as soon as I got to the door.”

Monday morning, Kim announced that Team Trump reached out and offered him full access to their campaign and an opportunity to ride with their press corps to President Trump’s afternoon events.

Kim wrote on X:

Monday is going to be WILD!!!

Showed up to Iowa on a whim. Blind faith. No plan. Just to experience the political process for the first time in my life. See the truth.

Team Trump heard about what happened at the DeSantis event to me and offered me full access to their campaign and an opportunity to ride with their press corp to the afternoon President Trump’s events.

They’re going to let me stream, record and get the real behind the scenes footage.

You never know what can happen if you don’t take that chance.

Truly humbled by the experience.

Thank you all who have supported me, encouraged me, shared my content, ideas and views. Without you, this is not possible. Without you, I would not have the opportunity of a lifetime. To meet President Trump face to face.

Thank you! Seriously. Love y’all!

In the video announcing the opportunity, Matt shared, “The Trump Team heard about what happened to me with the DeSantis event, and they invited me to ride with the press team. So I am going to be going, probably tomorrow afternoon, I’m going to be going with, like, where the reporters are to follow him around and go to the caucuses…I am going to be able to get to see behind the scenes and then show it all.  They said I can record whatever I want; I can go live.”

“They’re like you can do literally whatever you want…ride in the bus, so that’s what’s happening tomorrow.”

“It’s so different, right?!  One side, they’re like ‘you can’t do anything’ and they just literally kicked me out.”

“And then the other side is like, ‘yeah, we love what you do…so full access…you’re amazing.'”


The post Team Trump Offers Podcaster Kicked Out of DeSantis Event Full Access to Travel With His Press Corps appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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