Team Trump Participates in Chapin, South Carolina Labor Day Parade (VIDEO)
Team Trump participated in a Labor Day parade in Chapin, South Carolina on Monday.

Team Trump participated in a Labor Day parade in Chapin, South Carolina on Monday. Residents carried Trump flags and signs in support of the 45th President. Classic cars drove through the street with flags and signs in support. This is more evidence that small-town America, and patriots in general, love Donald Trump.

The Trump campaign posted photos of the parade to social media.

Trump supporters marched in the parade.


This has become a trend in our nation. All across America, citizens want President Trump back.

Here are photos from the Dubuque, Iowa Labor Day Parade.

More evidence that the mainstream media and the current administration are out of touch with everyday Americans.

Last month there was a car parade on the New Hampshire coast.

There was a massive Trump car parade in New Hampshire on August 27th.

A car caravan for Trump took over the New Hampshire Seacoast.

Despite the negative mainstream media coverage, Americans love President Trump.

No other Republican candidate or Joe Biden is getting this kind of love.

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