Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Accuses Biden Administration of Aiding and Abetting Cartels with Their Open Border Policies (Video)
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton joined Jason Chaffetz on Sunday Morning Futures on this final Sunday of the year.
Texas AG Ken Paxton accuses Biden regime of aiding and abetting cartels with their open border policies.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton joined Jason Chaffetz on Sunday Morning Futures on this final Sunday of the year.

Ken Paxton was asked about the Biden regime’s open border policies. Paxton was also questioned about the threats from the Biden administration to punish Texas if the state continues to protect its people and border from millions of illegal invaders.

Attorney General Ken Paxton: It’s pretty crazy to see what’s happened over the last three years of the Biden administration. Those numbers, as you’ve seen, get worse, not better. It’s not like they’re solving the problem. They’re actually helping aid and abet the cartels. And then Texas says, we’ve had enough, we’re going to do something about it. And then they threaten us from enforcing our own laws. It seems pretty crazy. And it’s hard to believe that we have a government that is working against its own citizens and helping the cartels move as many people across the border as possible.

Paxton also weighed in on the far-left sanctuary cities that are complaining about a few thousand illegals when Texas is being invaded with millions of these same illegal migrants.

Ken Paxton: Look, all of these cities during the Trump administration created sanctuary cities and discouraged the Trump administration from blocking the border and keeping these illegals from coming across. Now that the Biden administration is allowing them in and they’re getting a few hundred or a few thousand versus the literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, that the border states are getting, they’re complaining. And it’s a little ironic that they’re blaming Texas when all we’re dealing with is a much more significant problem than they are.

Via Sunday Morning Futures.

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