“The Bush Era Ends Today in the State of Texas!” – Ken Paxton’s Attorney Goes Off on RINO Coup After Prosecution Offers No Evidence of a Crime as Senate Trial Ends – Make Calls Today to Save
Texas RINOs, including Bush and Rove allies, want Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton gone.

Texas RINOs, including Bush and Rove allies, want Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton gone. So they made up some accusations against him without evidence in an attempt to impeach him.

Attorney General Ken Paxton is the one man who has stood up against the Democrat-Marxist onslaught in the great state of Texas. Democrats and Secret Sleeper Republicans hate him for this.

On Tuesday, the Texas Senate opened the impeachment trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton, which could result in his removal from office.

The Republican-led Texas House in May impeached highly popular Attorney General Ken Paxton over allegations of misconduct. The 20 articles include “bribery, unfitness for office and abuse of public trust” – according to the Associated Press.

Paxton was placed on administrative leave until the result of the Senate trial.

Earlier in the impeachment trial, Ken Paxton accuser Ryan Vassar took the stand in the Texas Senate. Attorney Mitch Little ate him alive.

Ryan Vassar and his RINO cohorts went to the FBI to report on Ken Paxton without ANY evidence of wrongdoing. Vassar admitted this during his testimony.

No evidence was produced throughout the trial that Ken Paxton did anything wrong.

Paxton attorney Tony Buzbee delivered closing remarks on Friday. He did not hold back.

Tony Buzbee: “They took a long walk on a short pier. The House managers did the same… They, in a four-hour hearing decided to impeach the Attorney General in the state of Texas and then they spent months and months trying to collect evidence to support it. And they did not… They failed. The Bush regime ends today in the state of Texas.”

Please contact these Texas Senators and tell them to do what is right! Texas Neeeds Ken Paxton!
Via Jonathan Stickland.


Conservative Champions Who Voted to Dismiss All Charges:
Bob Hall (512) 463-0102
Brandon Creighton (512) 463-0104
Lois Kolkhorst (512) 463-0118
Paul Bettencourt (512) 463-0107
Tan Parker (512) 463-0112
Donna Campbell (512) 463-0125

Swing Vote Republican Senators:
Drew Springer (512) 463-0130
Pete Flores (512) 463-0124
Phil King (512) 463-0110
Kevin Sparks (512) 463-0131
Charles Schwertner (512) 463-0105
Charles Perry (512) 463-0128
Bryan Hughes (512) 463-0101

GOP Senators Rumored to be Pushing Impeachment:
Joan Huffman (512) 463-0117
Kelly Hancock (512) 463-0109
Mayes Middleton (512) 463-0111
Brian Birdwell (512) 463-0122
Robert Nichols (512) 463-0103

The post “The Bush Era Ends Today in the State of Texas!” – Ken Paxton’s Attorney Goes Off on RINO Coup After Prosecution Offers No Evidence of a Crime as Senate Trial Ends – Make Calls Today to Save Texas! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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