The Definition of Fake News: Mainstream Media Devotes ZERO Minutes to Report on Joe Biden Using Pseudonyms to Hide Business Deals with Son Hunter
The House Oversight Committee released evidence that Joe Biden was using at least three different pseudonyms while doing illicit business dealings with foreign actors while he was Vice President.

The House Oversight Committee released evidence that Joe Biden was using at least three different pseudonyms while doing illicit business dealings with foreign actors while he was Vice President.

This was damning evidence that further links Joe Biden to likely criminal acts with his son Hunter.

Biden used the email address “” while Barack Obama’s sidekick and that his aide John Flynn cc’d Hunter on 10 emails containing Joe’s schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016.

He also used “Robin Ware” and “JRB Ware” while “working” as vice-president.

In addition to the pseudonyms, Comer wants records in which Hunter, Eric Schwerin, or Devon Archer were copied and drafts of Joe’s speech to the Ukrainian Parliament in December 2015.

Joe Biden was selling access to US policy to officials around for the right price. The list includes Ukraine, China, Romania, Kazakhstan, and more.

In a functioning democracy this news would make headlines with trusted news outlets.

Unfortunately, in the United States today this was just the latest example of how the mainstream media is an echo chamber of the regime, like Pravda in the former Soviet Union.

Not one single mainstream outlet carried this news this week.

Newsbusters reported.

Boom! Another bombshell just dropped in the Biden family bribery scandal and again the leftist media outlets have censored it.

It looks like President Joe Biden used various aliases and pseudonyms including the name “Robert L. Peters” in his correspondence with Hunter Biden. So far the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks as well as CNN and MSNBC have yet to air a second on this stunning new development.

On Thursday morning it was reported that House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer asked the National Archives (on Wednesday) to release any unredacted records of then-Vice President Biden using a pseudonym.

Thankfully, you do have other options for your trusted news today.

The post The Definition of Fake News: Mainstream Media Devotes ZERO Minutes to Report on Joe Biden Using Pseudonyms to Hide Business Deals with Son Hunter appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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