The Enemy Is Inside the Wire: Palestinian Student Group Announces Pro-Hamas ‘Day of Resistance’ Rallies at US College Campuses on Thursday
A Palestinian student group has announced pro-Hamas rallies at U.S.

A Palestinian student group has announced pro-Hamas rallies at U.S. colleges and universities on Thursday, calling the rallies a “Day of Resistance.” The rallies are being held to support the ISIS style attack on Israel by Hamas this past Saturday that saw hundreds of Israeli civilians–babies, children, women and men–slaughtered in their homes and kibbutzes and at a music festival.

The National Students for Justice in Palestine posted an announcement on Instagram on Saturday as the attacks were ongoing (coordination?) illustrated with a drawing of an angry Palestinian mob with an armed paraglider overhead along with this statement (first reported by The Messenger):


Today, we witness a historic win for the Palestinian resistance: across land, air, and sea, our people have broken down the artificial barriers of the Zionist entity, taking with it the facade of an impenetrable settler colony and reminding each of us that total return and liberation to Palestine is near. Catching the enemy completely by surprise, the Palestinian resistance has captured over a dozen settlements surrounding Gaza along with many occupation soldiers and military vehicles. This is what it means to Free Palestine: not just slogans and rallies, but armed confrontation with the oppressors.

As the Palestinian student movement, we have a responsibility to join the call for mass mobilization. National SJP is calling on all chapters and allied student orgs to join a National Day of Action on Thursday, October 12. If your org is interested, please fill out the short form in our linktree (below, and in bio) so we can better coordinate our united actions.


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

Palestinian groups across the U.S. have answered the call with statements of support for Hamas and rallies set for Thursday.

Stanford University:

Harvard University:

George Washington University, located just blocks from the White House in Washington, D.C.:

University of Virginia:

Cal State:

Swarthmore College:

UC Berkeley:

Running thread by the Spectator’s Matthew Foldi of pro-Hamas U.S. college student groups statements:

The Our Mission and Our Values sections of the National Students for Justice in Palestine reveals the group seduces college students into participation with the usual social justice litany:

Our Mission

National Students for Justice in Palestine supports over two hundred Palestine solidarity organizations on college campuses across occupied Turtle Island (U.S. and Canada). We promote an agenda grounded in freedom, solidarity, equality, safety, and historical justice, and we seek to elevate the student movement for Palestinian liberation to a higher level of political engagement. We aim to develop a connected, disciplined movement that is equipped with the tools necessary to contribute to the fight for Palestinian liberation.

Our Vision

We are a vast and diverse network of students, and our core values unite us as we carry on the fight for Palestinian liberation. National SJP upholds fifteen Shared Principles and Values, which were developed alongside local chapters and movement partners. We seek a political framework that addresses collective liberation from Palestine to the Rio Grande.

We believe the struggle for a free Palestine is also the struggle for Black liberation, gender and sexual freedom, and a livable and sustainable planet. All pursuits for freedom, justice, and equality are materially connected and require us to struggle against state violence, colonialism, capitalism, and imperialism, in all of their forms.

UPDATE: Video from a pro Hamas rally at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio on Sunday:

The post The Enemy Is Inside the Wire: Palestinian Student Group Announces Pro-Hamas ‘Day of Resistance’ Rallies at US College Campuses on Thursday appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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