The Last Time Democrats Took a GOP Candidate Off the Ballot Was in 1860 – They Would Not Allow Abraham Lincoln’s Name on the Ballot in Their Slave States
Democrats in the Colorado Supreme Court ruled last night that President Trump’s name will not be listed on the Colorado ballot in 2024.
Democrats also attempted to remove Abraham Lincoln from the ballot. Lincoln prevailed anyway. The rest is history.

Democrats in the Colorado Supreme Court ruled last night that President Trump’s name will not be listed on the Colorado ballot in 2024.

Ironically, these far-left justices used a post-Civil War Amendment that no Democrats voted for at the time, to block the leading opposition candidate from the ballot.

This was not the first time Democrats pulled this trick during a national election for President of thee United States.

As Randy DeSoto reported at Western Journal back in November – The last time Democrats pulled such a stunt was in the presidential election of 1860, when Republican nominee Abraham Lincoln’s name did not appear on most Southern states’ ballots.

Abraham Lincoln was still able to win the election with a plurality of the popular vote in the rest of the country.  The Democrat plot failed.

Abraham Lincoln won the election with 180 electoral votes.

Following the Civil War, Republicans passed the 14th Amendment in 1868 to guarantee the newly freed slaves equal protection under the law. 94% of Republicans voted for the amendment. 100% of Democrats voted no on the amendment!

According to DeSoto,

Section 3 of the amendment made it unlawful for those who took an oath of office to support the Constitution of the United States and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same” to hold federal office unless Congress — by a two-thirds majority — votes to remove the disability.

What Democrats and NeverTrump Republicans are trying to establish through state courts in Colorado, Minnesota and Michigan, so far, is that Trump engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the U.S. government on Jan. 6, 2021, and therefore should be ineligible to serve.

They are hanging their case on the conduct of some of the protesters in the Capitol incursion who became violent in an attempt to disrupt the Electoral College vote.

Democrats attempted and failed to stop Abraham Lincoln from becoming the U.S. president. That didn’t work.

Today, this same party of slave owners and the KKK is hoping to block President Trump from the ballot.

It’s now up to the Supreme Court to shoot them down.

The post The Last Time Democrats Took a GOP Candidate Off the Ballot Was in 1860 – They Would Not Allow Abraham Lincoln’s Name on the Ballot in Their Slave States appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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