“This is What Personal Racism is”- Far-Left Democrat Congresswoman Shares Dubious Story ‘Revealing’ How a White Man Discriminated Against Her and is Compared to Jussie Smollett (VIDEO)
A radical congresswoman from California went on CNN last night and shared a tale of racism that is leading many to compare her to infamous actor Jussie Smollett.
Credit: @kaitlancollins screenshot

A radical congresswoman from California went on CNN last night and shared a tale of racism that is leading many to compare her to infamous actor Jussie Smollett.

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) was brought on The Source with Kaitlin Collins to respond to remarks made by Nikki Haley regarding discrimination. Nikki Haley earlier this week said that America is not, nor has ever been, a racist country and there is too much “self-loathing.”

Lee began by spreading the myth of “systemic racism” and blaming it for the plight of minority groups in America, including Native Americans and Blacks. Then she told a “personal story,” supposedly revealing how a white man discriminated against her as she was going to vote.

Notice during her screed she never provides evidence nor mentions a specific date and time regarding this alleged incident.


Lee: Institutional racism is in the DNA of this country…250 years of enslaving African-Americans ands then you at the disparities in our community in terms ofd health care, unemployment, housing…

You cannot tell me that systemic racism does not exist. Second you have personal racism that is hard to address but I’ll give you one little story: I was walking from the House building on Capitol Hill to the Capitol and a white guy stopped me and told me I could not get into the members elevator. We have (member) pins and I was going to vote and he blocked me from entering the elevator and told me I was not a member of Congress and it was for members only.

I said, “Sir, I’m a member of Congress” and showed him my pin. And he said, “Whose pin did you steal?”

This is an example of what personal racism is and how people of color constantly have to deal with this each and every day. But systemic racism is within the policies of this country and just look at they are doing in terms of trying to eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)…It’s a very dangerous position that she has. She’s clueless.

Lee’s personal tale of racism set off multiple alarm bells with X users, who proceeded to compare her Smollett. As The Gateway Pundit readers know, the failed actor paid two black men to attack him on a frigid day in Chicago five years ago and claimed afterward he was assaulted by Trump supporters. Smollett was later convicted on five felony counts.

Considering there are security cameras in the Capitol, it should be easy to determine whether Lee’s story is true. She has in no way earned the benefit of the doubt.

The post “This is What Personal Racism is”- Far-Left Democrat Congresswoman Shares Dubious Story ‘Revealing’ How a White Man Discriminated Against Her and is Compared to Jussie Smollett (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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