Thousands of German Farmers and Truckers Paralyze Berlin, Calling for Radical Left Wing Government to Step Down
Tractors, cars, and trucks blockading the “Avenue of June 17” leading up to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin Thousands of farmers, truckers, tradesmen, and other hardworking German citizens have descended on the capital of Berlin to paralyze the city, with many vowing not to leave until the Left-Green government steps down, that has run Europe’s biggest economy into the ground.

Tractors, cars, and trucks blockading the “Avenue of June 17” leading up to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

Thousands of farmers, truckers, tradesmen, and other hardworking German citizens have descended on the capital of Berlin to paralyze the city, with many vowing not to leave until the Left-Green government steps down, that has run Europe’s biggest economy into the ground.

Approx 3000 trucks and 2000 tractors are currently blocking the main avenues up to the Bundestag, Chancellery, and Brandenburg Gate.


The Berlin Police were trying in vain to divert tractors from the downtown area and send them to the 1930 Olympic Stadium on the edge of the city instead.

The farmers are not complying.


Berlin police and firefighters were reported to be supporting the massive demonstration calling for the radical leftist government to step down.

Tractors began heading for Berlin from all over the country in the middle of the night.

The official estimate was 8500 protestors.

The pictures of the mass protest told a different story.

Finance Minister Christian Lindner of the Free Democrat party, who is supposed to be a free-market conservative, but has thrown in with the radical leftists destroying Germany, was booed for 20 minutes during his speech and required close security to make his exit.

His bodyguards tackled a man for booing the Finance Minister, and then hauled the unidentified man off to the gulag.


The post Thousands of German Farmers and Truckers Paralyze Berlin, Calling for Radical Left Wing Government to Step Down appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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