Trump-Hating Former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe FINALLY Comes Clean After Years of Lying – Says Carter Page FISA Application to Spy on Trump Was “Wrong” and a “Mistake” (VIDEO)
Trump-Hating former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe joined CNN’s Jim Acosta on Wednesday to defend FISA secret spying on American citizens.

Trump-Hating former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe joined CNN’s Jim Acosta on Wednesday to defend FISA secret spying on American citizens.

McCabe finally admitted that the Carter Page FISA application used by the deep state to spy on Trump and his administration in an attempt to bring him down was a mistake.

CNN hack reporter Jim Acosta was not expecting this.

Jim Acosta: Back to Trump’s post on Truth Social, Andrew. He’s calling on House Republicans to block reauthorizing it (FISA), saying, “Kill FISA. It was used illegally against my campaign. They spied on my campaign.” Is there any truth to this? I know we’re going back over, relatively speaking, some ancient history and one of Trump’s old complaints dating back to the 2016 campaign.

Andrew McCabe: He may be referring to the FISA that was obtained surveil Carter Page. We now know there were many mistakes in that FISA. Those are all regrettable.

So after eight years Andrew McCabe finally comes clean. What a crook. He belongs on CNN.

Via I Meme Therefore I Am.

This was a rare occurrence for Andrew McCabe on CNN.  He isn’t known for telling the truth. 

Here are three events that Joe Hoft at TGP reported on earlier that prove that the former FBI Director was not honest with the American public for years.

Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe was fired from the FBI.  His level of integrity was never in doubt – he had none.  For example, we know McCabe signed off on one of the FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page.   We also know that his comments during his testimony in front of Congress conflicted with those made by former DAG Rod Rosenstein.  But there is much more.

FBI Special Agent Robyn Gritz’s Account

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague, retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who was to be sentenced on December 18, 2018.  After paragraphs of compliments for General Flynn, Special Agent Gritz shared her thoughts on Andrew McCabe and the FBI brass he worked with:

I believe I have a unique inside view of the mannerisms surrounding Andrew McCabe, other FBI Executive Management and Former Director Mueller, as well as the unethical and coercive tactics they use, not to seek the truth, but to coerce pleas or admissions to end the pain, as I call it. They destroy lives for their own agendas instead of seeking the truth for the American people. Candor is something that should be encouraged and used by leadership to have necessary and continued improvement. Under Mueller, it was seen as a threat and viciously opposed by those he pulled up in the chain of command.

I am explaining this because numerous Agents have expressed the need for you to know McCabe’s and Mueller’s pattern of “target and destroy” has been utilized on many others, without regard for policies and laws. I, myself, am a casualty of this reprehensible behavior and I have spoken to well over 150 other FBI individuals who are casualties as well.

McCabe’s Book of Deceptions

Even in his book, dirty cop McCabe showed a discrepancy with what has been reported to date.  McCabe wrote about the setup in the White House of General Flynn.  In his book, he claimed he knew how many times and at what time General Flynn commented on the black sky outside his office during the now infamous ambush meeting in his office by corrupt cops Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka in the White House a few days after the 2017 Inauguration of President Trump.  The only information on this meeting released to date is a document drafted by Strzok a few months after the meeting took place where this was not mentioned.

We dug up this tweet since it had since been deleted.

DOJ IG Report on Andrew McCabe

As we reported in April of 2018, the DOJ IG created a report which specifically reviewed the actions of Andrew McCabe.  We summarized this report as follows:

1. The tone of the memo chastises McCabe for leaking that the Clinton Foundation investigation was open, not to challenge the rationale for not sharing this investigation with the public, but rather criticizes McCabe for outing the Justice Department official trying to shut down the investigation. Although perhaps it may not be customary to challenge the Departments’ decisions, due to subject in the investigation [the Clinton Foundation], by not releasing the information about the investigation the FBI and DOJ prevented pertinent information from being reported to the American public significant to the election. This information was not released until October 30th in a leak to the WSJ.

2. Many of the FBI and DOJ characters in the report appear corrupt, coordinated and conspiring to assist with the cover up of the Clinton Foundation investigation and in leaking information to the press.

3. The report includes little mention of Anthony Weiner’s laptop emails other than to mention that a meeting was scheduled to get a search warrant to request the emails on October 27th, 2016.  The emails were the suspected cause for Comey’s email to Congress on October 28th, 2016, announcing that the Hillary email scandal was being reopened.  However, per text messages between Strzok and Page, the FBI knew about the emails in September 2016 and had sent a team to New York to review the emails at that time.  [The Weiner emails may be what the Democrats are most fearful of being released to the public.]

4. McCabe [and others] clearly broke laws and FBI policies but no trial date was set. However, the IG is drafting a letter to the FBI recommending actions to be taken.

Little McCabe was caught numerous times for lying under oath, as this report mentioned and he was eventually fired.  But McCabe was never charged.  The President tweeted this in reply:

What a shock that after several years, Andrew McCabe has finally come clean about one thing – The FBI brass lied in their FISA report to spy on Trump. What a bum.

Hat tip Mark R.

The post Trump-Hating Former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe FINALLY Comes Clean After Years of Lying – Says Carter Page FISA Application to Spy on Trump Was “Wrong” and a “Mistake” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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