Trump’s Historic Fundraising Haul Demonstrates Americans Want Him Back More Than Ever!
As we head closer to November, more Americans will jump on the Trump Train – because it really is the last, best hope for saving this once great and mighty nation.

As we head closer to November, more Americans will jump on the Trump Train – because it really is the last, best hope for saving this once great and mighty nation.

Former President Donald Trump speaks about the murder of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller on Thursday in New York.
Former President Donald Trump speaks about the murder of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller on Thursday in New York. (C-SPAN screen shot)

A tale of two presidents: Donald Trump’s recent fundraiser at the home of John Paulson, raked in over $50 million of cash to add more fuel to a campaign that many have already called one of the best in modern presidential history in terms of management (even compared to President Trump’s presidential bids in 2016 and 2020) – and which has been described as a “well-oiled machine.”  The staggering figure is notable for several reasons: it outflanked Biden’s paltry-by-comparison (reportedly) $25 million that he raised a little over a week before in New York.  However, unlike Biden, who had to shut down half of Manhattan, and fly in three former presidents and legions of celebrity entertainers just to reach less than half of President Trump’s benchmark, President Trump’s fundraiser was a far less glitzy ordeal – he did not need all the pomp and circumstance that Biden, who cuts the public image of a dementia patient, required; it was hosted at a private home in Palm Beach, a relatively quiet locale compared to Biden’s Radio City Midtown venue.  And yet, even considering those factors, President Trump more than doubled Biden’s reported figure, which only speaks to the formidable power of his overall campaign operation.

President Trump’s recent success is also a telltale that Americans are absolutely fed up with the current program, and demand a radical course correction.  The economy has slowed to a halt; hordes of barbarians are literally storming the gate from the third world; and, on the international front, the world, quite literally, teeters on the brink of nuclear Armageddon.  Even though Biden has gone to great lengths to depict the economic situation as improving, Americans everywhere understand that real wages remain depressed — and lags the pace of inflation, underlying GDP languishes, while inflation continues to be sticky and remaining around forty-year highs – especially compared to the purchasing power of the dollar just three years ago, as Americans palpably realize whenever they struggle to buy eggs and milk at the grocery store.

But even if the economy was as rosy as Biden and his lackeys say, the border crisis alone is enough to send Independents and even many Democrats running for the MAGA hills.  President Trump recently shared a graphic on Truth Social that visually broke down just how bad Biden’s border crisis has been: since the 45th President left office; illegal immigration has skyrocketed – to levels unseen at any point, ever, in American history.  More illegals from Latin America and South America have crossed the Southern border over the last four years alone than the previous two hundred thirty-three years of American history!  Tens of thousands of illegals cross the wide-open, US-Mexico border every single month: many of these illegals belong to dangerous criminal organizations and drug cartels, or traffic children into sex slavery.  All of them, in crossing the border, have committed a crime. Many are repeat felons.

President Trump recently shared a graphic on Truth Social that visually broke down just how bad Biden’s border crisis has been: since the 45th President left office; illegal immigration has skyrocketed – to levels unseen at any point, ever, in American history. 

Since President Trump’s unceremonious ouster from the Oval Office, the sheer number of illegals who have crossed the southern border each month has shot up exponentially.  Compared to when President Trump left office, which bottomed out at a record-low 30,000, more than 300,000 have been counted entering the country per month under Biden – a staggering tenfold increase.  This will be sure to have devastating cultural, demographic, economic, and national security ramifications for generations to come.  The damage, so drastic, may be permanent.  The cultural fabric of the American nation has been upended, and nothing short of the dramatic actions that President Trump and his advisers have proposed – like mass deportations of all illegals – will undo the catastrophe.

None of these illegals are being assimilated; rather, they are forcing native-born Americans out of schools in cities like New York, which do not have enough space to house them or resources to feed them.  Illegals do not culturally assimilate into American life (indeed, everything from the Biden Regime would incentivize them not to), having at best a rudimentary understanding of the English language – and little to no economically practical skills.  Instead, they loot, rob, and steal what diminishing portion of the American Dream remains for working American citizens, whose quality of life has, in turn, deteriorated, and quite rapidly – as legacy Americans are forced to shoulder a heavier and heavier tax burden of medical, education, and housing expenses — a problem which disproportionately falls on older retirees and younger Americans, just entering the workforce, who are already laden with astronomical college debt in many cases.

Meanwhile, Democrats like Governors Newsom and Hochul in states like California and New York, respectively, have given illegals drivers licenses, social security numbers, free healthcare, and increasingly, access to the franchise.  With no voter ID laws and extremely lenient rules for voting in federal elections generally, the ballot box is more than ever at risk of being susceptible to illegal votes, from all types of people, foreign and domestic, come November. The Great Replacement is a type of foreign election interference far more serious than any damage that could possibly be wrought by Russia and China — which the mainstream media totally ignores.  Any discussion at all of this kind of election interference the Uniparty deems verboten, for it upsets their narrative because they depend entirely on illegals for cheap labor and more votes: indeed, that is the core demographic, and key, to stay in power.

Biden put New York on lockdown for his fundraiser, forcing Manhattanites to be held hostage in their apartments and workplaces – many for hours on end – which was eerily reminiscent of the draconian lockdowns during covid, and typical of the sort of agenda sponsored by Biden’s friends at the World Economic Forum and Davos, that would have all Americans living in pods, jobless, and permanent renters by 2030.  Perhaps even more shameful is the fact that as Biden was attempting to raise money for his failing presidential effort, a police officer, slain in the line of duty as a result of the reckless anti-law enforcement, anarchic policies espoused by Biden and his party, was being laid to rest just over the bridge, on nearby Long Island, a flesh-and-blood casualty of the Biden Regime.

While Biden was being feted by an abominable cast of characters that included Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Stephen Colbert, and “Lizzo,” President Trump acted like a true statesman by paying his respects to the family at the wake of the fallen officer.  At the same time, Biden managed to beclown himself – and insult the city in the process.  President Trump appropriately dignified Officer Jonathan Diller and his family – not in a showy or obnoxious way, but in a cordial, understated, and statesmanlike fashion that conveyed appropriate solemnity for the tragedy that had just occurred.  His appearance also reflected an unspoken empathy for how Officer Diller’s death was directly traceable to the Left’s broader effort to stigmatize, defang, and demean law enforcement ever since the George Floyd riots of the summer of 2020.

Whereas Biden’s fundraiser was a display of narcissistic indulgence, the product of his paid off supporters who behind closed doors grow wearier and wearier of him by the day, President Trump was in the city purely to boost morale – and inspire hope for the place he once proudly called home, now ravaged by utterly insane policies that will spell certain doom for New York, and the nation, if not stopped in their tracks with an aggressive counteroffensive.

In 2016, the mantra was to Make America Great Again.  In 2024, Americans demand not just to be made great again, but a complete and total restoration of the country, rule of law, due process, and our sacred constitutional rights and freedoms.  They hope to be relieved of the scourge of Leftist insanity that has grown more militant, more parasitical, and more deadly, with each passing year – achieving fruition in the Biden Regime that has unleashed invaders to decimate what remnants exist of the spacious skies and amber waves of grain of the once glorious republic.

The Regime does this while at the same time clamps down on its most patriotic citizens, those without ever having so much as a petty misdemeanor on their records, far too many now locked away – for years, decades even – merely for peacefully showing up at the nation’s capital on January 6th.  From septuagenerian Vietnam war veterans to praying great-grandmothers to 5’1 social media starlets, true Americans of all stripes are being locked away ruthlessly, while violent and dangerous criminals, some worse than the type that murdered Officer Diller in the line-of-duty, are allowed to flood the streets of every major city with impunity.  And warlords who head dangerous gangs invade the country with reckless abandon, exploiting a porous border and destroying many more innocent American lives along the way – either directly, or indirectly via human trafficking and broadening an already uncontrollable Fentanyl and opioid-epidemic – to previously unthinkable levels.

As we head closer to November, more Americans will jump on the Trump Train – because it really is the last, best hope for saving this once great and mighty nation, rendered into an enervated picture of its former self — personified by none other than Joe Biden himself.  America will cease to exist without President Trump’s return to the Oval Office; even with his return, the prospects for a national renewal will be difficult, but his movement remains the only viable path – the final chance – for salvaging our ancestral legacy, now at risk of being lost forever.

The post Trump’s Historic Fundraising Haul Demonstrates Americans Want Him Back More Than Ever! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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