TYRANNY: House PASSES Bill to Renew FISA Warrantless Spy Program by 273-147 Vote – Here’s the 126 Republicans Who Voted YES to Snoop on Americans Without Meaningful Limits
The House of Representatives on Friday passed legislation to continue their FISA warrantless spying on American citizens and give themselves a corrupt carveout from surveillance after hitting a snag earlier this week.
Credit: CSPAN

The House of Representatives on Friday passed legislation to continue their FISA warrantless spying on American citizens and give themselves a corrupt carveout from surveillance after hitting a snag earlier this week.

The final vote on Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Act was 273-147, with 126 Republicans in favor of betraying the American people. The legislation now heads to the Democrat-led Senate where it will presumably pass and then be signed into law by Joe Biden.

Section 702 is scheduled to expire on April 19.

Via the Office of the Clerk, here were the 126 Republicans who voted yes:

Aderholt Alabama
Allen Georgia
Amodei Nevada
Bacon Nebraska
Balderson Ohio
Barr Kentucky
Bentz Oregon
Bergman Michigan
Bice Oklahoma
Buchanan Florida
Bucshon Indiana
Burgess Texas
Calvert California
Carl Alabama
Carter Georgia
Carter Texas
Chavez-DeRemer Oregon
Ciscomani Arizona
Cole Oklahoma
Crawford Arkansas
Crenshaw Texas
D’Esposito New York
De La Cruz Texas
Diaz-Balart Florida
Duarte California
Edwards North Carolina
Ellzey Texas
Emmer Minnesota
Estes Kansas
Ezell Mississippi
Feenstra Iowa
Ferguson Georgia
Fitzpatrick Pennsylvania
Fleischmann Tennessee
Flood Nebraska
Franklin Florida
Gallagher Wisconsin
Garbarino New York
Garcia California
Gimenez Florida
Gonzales Texas
Granger Texas
Graves Louisiana
Graves Missouri
Grothman Wisconsin
Guest Mississippi
Guthrie Kentucky
Hern Oklahoma
Hill Arkansas
Hinson Iowa
Houchin Indiana
Hudson North Carolina
Huizenga Michigan
Jackson Texas
James Michigan
Johnson Louisiana
Johnson South Dakota
Joyce Ohio
Kean New Jersey
Kelly Mississippi
Kelly Pennsylvania
Kiggans Virginia
Kiley California
Kim California
Kustoff Tennessee
LaHood Illinois
LaLota New York
Lamborn Colorado
Latta Ohio
LaTurner Kansas
Lawler New York
Lee Florida
Letlow Louisiana
Lucas Oklahoma
Malliotakis New York
Maloy Utah
McCaul Texas
McClain Michigan
McHenry North Carolina
Miller (OH) Ohio
Miller (WV) West Virginia
Miller-Meeks Iowa
Molinaro New York
Moolenaar Michigan
Moore (UT) Utah
Moran Texas
Murphy North Carolina
Newhouse Washington
Nunn (IA) Iowa
Obernolte California
Palmer Alabama
Pence Indiana
Pfluger Texas
Reschenthaler Pennsylvania
Rodgers (WA) Washington
Rogers (AL) Alabama AYE
Rogers (KY) Kentucky
Rose Tennessee
Rouzer North Carolina
Rutherford Florida
Salazar Florida
Scalise Louisiana
Scott Georgia
Sessions Texas
Simpson Idaho
Smith (NE) Nebraska
Smucker Pennsylvania
Stauber Minnesota
Steel California
Stefanik New York
Steil Wisconsin
Strong Alabama
Tenney New York
Thompson Pennsylvania
Turner Ohio
Valadao California
Wagner Missouri
Walberg Michigan
Waltz Florida
Webster (FL) Florida
Wenstrup Ohio
Williams (NY) New York
Williams (TX) Texas
Wilson (SC) South Carolina
Wittman Virginia
Womack Arkansas

Shortly before final passage, the House rejected a commonsense amendment from Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) which would require a warrant to spy on Americans. 86 Republicans voted for authoritarianism, with Speaker Mike Johnson casting the decisive vote.

Credit: Greg Price

As previously reported by Jim Hoft, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) revealed that Congress gave its members a special carve out in the latest version of the FISA bill.

Via the proposed legislation, here is the special gift that members of Congress tried to give themselves:

Requirement: The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall promptly notify appropriate congressional leadership of any query conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation using a query term that is reasonably believed to be the name or other personally identifying information of a member of Congress, and shall also notify the member who is the subject of such query.

The post TYRANNY: House PASSES Bill to Renew FISA Warrantless Spy Program by 273-147 Vote – Here’s the 126 Republicans Who Voted YES to Snoop on Americans Without Meaningful Limits appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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