UH OH: AOC Caught Up in Possible Ethics Scandal Regarding Her Marital Status
An exclusive report reveals that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is in a possible ethics scandal regarding her marital status.
AOC and boyfriend vacation maskless in Miami during NY lockdowns

An exclusive report reveals that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is in a possible ethics scandal regarding her marital status.

The Free Beacon reported Wednesday that AOC has referred to her fiancé Riley Roberts as her spouse in four separate forms filed with the House Ethics Committee in 2023. As Andrew Kerr, the author of the piece, notes the committee defines a spouse as someone to whom you are legally married. In fact, it appears a whopping 161 times in the House Ethics Manual.

Here is a better look at one of the files:
Credit: @AndrewKerrNC

Moreover, if AOC did legally marry Roberts, that means his finances are subject to public scrutiny. Yet she refused to include any of his assets in her filings.

This might explain why AOC’s spokeswoman Lauren Hitt told told the Washington Free Beacon that AOC and Roberts are not legally married. Better for the public to believe AOC and her team are too stupid to fill out forms properly rather than AOC deliberately trying to cheat the system.

Hitt also incorrectly stated that the Ethics Committee has recognized spouses to mean long-term partners.

Kerr reports the findings came as result of AOC’s overseas travels and points out something interesting suggesting a strong conflict of interest on AOC’s part.

Four legal filings submitted to the House Ethics Committee pertaining to AOC’s overseas travels in 2022 and 2023 suggest the pair have been legally married at least since Jan. 13, 2023. If that is the case, the “Squad” member can no longer leverage the so-called boyfriend loophole to evade public disclosure of his finances.

But AOC apparently does not want the rules to apply to her.

Riley Roberts lives with AOC. He accompanies her on official overseas travel. They presumably share living expenses.

But unlike other congressional spouses, his finances have been shielded from the public thanks to a boyfriend loophole in disclosure laws.

This almost certainly explains why she has no interest in closing the boyfriend loophole. Kerr notes how hypocritical this is on her part:

Despite establishing herself as a champion of congressional ethics, AOC has no interest in closing this loophole.

The legislation she introduced in May to ban her colleagues and their spouses from trading stocks?

Doesn’t apply to Roberts if they remain unmarried. Convenient.

This opens up another question: what is AOC hiding?

Unsurprisingly, social media had plenty of funny jokes at AOC’s expense.

The post UH OH: AOC Caught Up in Possible Ethics Scandal Regarding Her Marital Status appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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