UK Government Contract States That Illegal Immigrants Must Have 3 Star Hotel Rooms or Better
The Home Office have now told their contractors that individuals who break into the country illegally on small boats must be given better accommodation.

The Home Office have now told their contractors that individuals who break into the country illegally on small boats must be given better accommodation. Contracts now mandate three star hotels as the acceptable standard. Should those who break the law be treated so comfortably while many of our veterans sleep on the street and families struggle to make ends meet.

Each day many hundreds of people enter the UK illegally using small rubber boats from France across the English channel, one of the busiest waterways in the world. This has caused great tension between the UK and France with each blaming the other for this scale of immigration. The British accuse the French of doing little to stop the flow while the French blame the UK’s ‘attractive’ labour market and lack of deportations for the Channel crossings.

When the French President Emmanuel Macron and the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak last met for a bilateral summit in March, the flow of illegal immigrants across the channel was the main issue. After these discussions Britain agreed to hand over $575m to the French to help them stop the flow. Half a billion dollars! Yet 6 months later not much has changed.

In 2018, 8,000 people made the 20 mile boat journey from Calais in France to Dover in England. Despite all the negotiations over the years and claims from the UK government to cut immigration numbers, the number crossing has gone up 6 times since 2018! 45,755 people made the crossing last year with the total since 2018 passing 100,000.

But back to the three star hotel accommodation that every illegal immigrant must now receive. On one hand we have record numbers coming into the UK while on the other hand the CINO (Conservative In Name Only) government tell the public that getting a grip on immigration is a priority. The Home Secretary told Parliament this week: “It is totally unacceptable that too many towns and cities around the country now house the 45,000 asylum seekers who are in hotels… it is not right that the British taxpayer is forking out the cost.” This blatant level of dishonesty does not go unnoticed and the government will be rightly punished at the next general election in 18 months.

Last October, a Parliament committee was told that £5.6 million a day was being spent on hotels for people who have arrived in the UK and submitted an asylum claim. A year later the figure hit £8 million per day with over 400 hotels being used to house illegal immigrants. Three billion pounds each year for this new business.

So will anything be done to stop this people trafficking business? Can anything be done? In January Rishi Sunak outlined his top five priorities which included Illegal Immigration. The fifth pledge was “We will pass new laws to stop small boats, making sure that if you come to this country illegally, you are detained and swiftly removed”. The Prime Minister has broken this pledge and forced British taxpayers to pay an ever increasing housing bill to house these people. Enough is enough.

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