Virginia Republican Party Exposes Democrats’ Moral Failings: “From Internet Porn Stars to Hamas Apologists, Abortion Extremists, and Defund the Police Radicals”
In a scathing report released Friday, the Republican Party of Virginia has laid bare a series of moral and ethical lapses among Democratic candidates running for various offices in the state.

In a scathing report released Friday, the Republican Party of Virginia has laid bare a series of moral and ethical lapses among Democratic candidates running for various offices in the state.

The report, titled “Virginia Democrats are the Party of Moral Depravity and Societal Decay,” accuses Democrats of everything from supporting extremist ideologies to engaging in criminal activities.

From the press release:

From internet porn stars to Hamas apologists, abortion extremists, and Defund the Police radicals, Virginia Democrats’ slate of radical left-wing candidates is unfit to lead.


SD15 – Ghazala Hashmi – marched in support of Palestine and Hamas

SD16 – Schuyler VanValkenburg – shared a campaign office with porn star Susanna Gibson, voted to reduce sentences for violent felons and child pornographers

SD17 – Clint Jenkins – charged three separate times with abusing his wife and daughter

SD18 – Louise Lucas – defended porn star Susanna Gibson, complained about not being able to access PornHub, owns a pot shop that sold illegal THC products marketed to minors

SD22 – Aaron Rouse – compared police to “slave patrols,” has over 20 traffic citations including reckless driving and passing an emergency vehicle

SD24 – Monty Mason – called parental rights “crap” and “stupid,” held a “slave auction” event at his fraternity as president, then repeatedly lied about it

SD31 – Russet Perry – has a shameful record of soft-on-crime decisions as a prosecutor, including dropping murder and felony weapons charges

SD34 – Scott Surovell – issued a social media post despicably blaming Israel for Hamas’s terrorist attacks

SD36 – Stella Pekarsky – used her position on the Fairfax County School Board to try to get her opponent, a teacher in her district, fired and silenced


HD18 – Kathy Tran – proudly sponsored legislation to legalize abortion up until the moment of birth

HD21 – Josh Thomas – took $193,000 from a single donor (special interest) after signing a pledge to get big money out of politics

HD22 – Travis Nembhard – campaigned with dangerous defund the police organizations, voted to give himself a raise on Manassas City Council

HD27 – Atoosa Reaser – served on the Loudoun County School Board, gave herself a raise, voted not to release reports on sexual assaults in Loudoun County schools

HD38 – Sam Rasoul – spread Hamas propaganda falsely accusing Israel of committing war crimes

HD57 – Susanna Gibson – willingly posted lewd sexual content online in exchange for money

HD58 – Rodney Willett – sponsored a bill to provide tax credits to people buying high-end electric vehicles

HD65 – Joshua Cole – voted for the early release of hundreds of violent criminals

HD84 – Nadarius Clark – charged with concealed weapon violation and possession of marijuana, has unpaid personal property taxes, and campaigned with defund-the-police radicals

HD88 – Don Scott – went AWOL while in the military, admitted to selling crack cocaine while in law school, spent seven years in federal prison for drug dealing, mishandled client funds as a lawyer

HD91 – Cliff Hayes – doesn’t even live in the district he’s running to represent, is trying to fool his own voters

HD97 – Michael Feggans – worked with a liberal dark money group that issued mailers falsely claiming Feggans was a Republican to confuse voters

Virginia Democrats in the state legislature also blocked tougher penalties for drug dealers, killed legislation that would require schools to notify students and their parents if they won national merit awards or other academic commendations, blocked a bill mandating schools have parents’ permission before letting their kids check out mature content from school libraries, and blocked bills combatting anti-Semitism – and that’s just in the past year.

And it doesn’t stop there. Virginia Democrats at all levels of government have also been systematically destroying the moral fiber of our Commonwealth, blatantly ignoring laws, and prioritizing criminals over Virginians.

Fairfax County School Board member Abrar Omeish objected to a moment of silence for victims of Hamas’s terrorist attacks on Israel, has called Israel an “apartheid state,” called the Battle of Iwo Jima “evil,” and previously opposed a moment of silence for victims of 9/11.

Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano has offered sweetheart plea deals to child sex offenders, let repeat offenders walk freemishandled evidence, wrongfully targeted cops for doing their job, and illegally used an app that deletes messages to communicate with his staff.

Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj heinously targeted the father of a girl who was raped at school while letting her attacker go free, after which he assaulted another innocent girl.

Virginians can’t afford to allow morally bankrupt Virginia Democrats anywhere near the levers of power.

The Gateway Pundit reported that the Republican Party of Virginia took the gloves off and mailed out thousands of explicit fliers about Democrat Susanna Gibson’s online sex scandal two weeks before the election.

Susanna Gibson, the Democrat candidate running for Virginia’s House of Delegates against Republican David Owen, posted sex acts with her husband online dubbed “HotWifeExperience” – while soliciting ‘tips’ from their online audience.

Gibson’s online sex scandal may ruin the Democrats going into a high-stakes election where they are desperately fighting to win back the House.

The 40-year-old mother of 2 who is running for a seat in the 57th district in suburban Richmond, reportedly used a platform called Chaturbate to stream sex acts with her husband in exchange for ‘tokens.’

The Republican Party of Virginia mailed out thousands of fliers with direct quotes from Susanna Gibson’s X-rated videos: “I need, like, more tokens before I let him do that,” Gibson told her online audience referring to a specific sex act with her husband in an effort to solicit “tips.”

The envelopes warned residents: “Do not open if you are under the age of 18,″ and “Warning: Explicit material enclosed.”

Gibson’s sex scandal is spiraling out of control. Her poll numbers have plummeted more than 10 percentage points and Virginia Democrats have scrubbed their supporter for her.

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