Vivek Ramaswamy Files FOIA Request Against Biden’s DOJ Outside Courthouse Where Trump Will Be Arraigned Today, Vows to Expose Communication Between Biden, Garland, and Smith (VIDEO)
On Thursday, 2024 GOP Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy announced his intentions to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request against the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ).

On Thursday, 2024 GOP Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy announced his intentions to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request against the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ). He made this announcement outside the courthouse where former President Donald Trump is set to be arraigned later today.

Ramaswamy’s Twitter statement on Thursday was impassioned and clear:

“The reason the people don’t trust the government is that the government doesn’t trust the people. I’m here at the courthouse where Trump will be arraigned later today & I’m making a demand to our government: tell us the truth about what’s really driving this flurry of prosecutions, with trial dates set during the height of the upcoming election.”

He further explained why he sued the DOJ earlier this week and pledged to release the state action files about what the government tells tech companies to suppress, emphasizing the right of the people to handle the truth.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Vivek had filed a lawsuit against the DOJ following its failure to respond to a FOIA request.

This request seek to uncover what White House officials, including Joe Biden, communicated to Attorney General Merrick Garland and DOJ official Jack Smith regarding the indictments in the high-profile cases of former U.S. President and one of Biden’s 2024 Presidential election rivals, Donald J. Trump.

In a video accompanying the tweet, Ramaswamy elaborated on his stance and explained why he believes transparency is essential for the American democracy:

“Earlier this week, I sued the US Department of Justice, and I further filed an additional FOIA request to understand what President Biden told Jack Smith, what Merrick Garland told Jack Smith because we want the truth today. I’m in front of the courthouse in Washington, D.C., where the 45th President of the United States, my competitor in this race, will be arraigned later today.”

He expressed his deep concern over “the noble lie” that the government is telling to its people and questioned the timing of three supposedly independent indictments during an election period.

“Why is it that we see the rise of three different indictments, three supposedly independent prosecutions at the same time in the midst of a presidential election? It’s because the government does not trust the people to select their leaders.”

Ramaswamy’s fervor extends beyond the Trump case, demanding the release of the transgender school shooter’s manifesto, as well as truths about COVID-19 origin and other information he believes the government may be withholding.

“Tell us the truth about what you actually told Jack Smith. Tell us the truth about the COVID origin. Tell us the truth about where the virus originated.”

The FOIA request seems to be a part of a broader movement Ramaswamy is advocating for, one that emphasizes trust, transparency, and a two-way relationship between the government and the people.

“Turns out that trust is a two-way relationship. The reason that the people don’t trust the government is that our government no longer trusts the people. So is this a politicized persecution through prosecution? I certainly believe it is.”


The post Vivek Ramaswamy Files FOIA Request Against Biden’s DOJ Outside Courthouse Where Trump Will Be Arraigned Today, Vows to Expose Communication Between Biden, Garland, and Smith (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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