WATCH: Biden Education Secretary Butchers Iconic Ronald Reagan Quote While Pushing the Regime’s Radical Agenda
Former President George W.

Former President George W. Bush was lampooned for this classic gaffe while speaking about America’s education system: “Rarely, is the question asked, is our children learning?” It’s safe to say Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona failed to learn some basic history at school after he made an epic gaffe on camera while speaking about the great Ronald Reagan.

Townhall reported Monday that Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona botched an iconic Reagan quote while giving a speech at the Western Governors’ Association’s winter meeting earlier this month in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. During his address, Cardona vowed to “follow-up” with governors to ensure the DOE provides guidance and “a playbook” to support state educational efforts.

Cardona next falsely quoted the great Reagan, an avowed opponent of big government’s evils, to push the Biden regime’s failing education agenda.

Cardona: You know, we’re going to set up follow up calls with every governor we meet with to make sure we’re available.

I think it was President Reagan who said, We’re from the government. We’re here to help.


Those with a rudimentary understanding of Reagan know the 40th president actually issued a dire warning to America not to start worrying when the federal government offered “help.”

Here is the full quote from Reagan along with video.

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

With clowns like Cardona “leading” the way, it is little wonder why our K-12 education system is in the toilet despite all levels of government spending more money than ever.

The only way to fix this is to ensure schools are actually teaching our children instead of brainwashing them and pocketing taxpayer money increase administrative bloat. But this will not happen until the American people actually vote out not only the Biden regime but also Democrats coast-to-coast.

The post WATCH: Biden Education Secretary Butchers Iconic Ronald Reagan Quote While Pushing the Regime’s Radical Agenda appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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