WATCH: Fox News Host Charles Payne Turns the Tables on Democrat Strategist Jessica Tarlov and Goes Scorched Earth on Joe Biden’s Sick Hatred of Trump Supporters, Leaving Her Speechless
During Fox News’s coverage of the New Hampshire Republican Primary Tuesday night, a one-sided fight broke out between conservative Fox News host Charles Payne and liberal Democrat strategist Jessica Tarlov after President Trump won.
Credit: Townhall screenshot/Fox news

During Fox News’s coverage of the New Hampshire Republican Primary Tuesday night, a one-sided fight broke out between conservative Fox News host Charles Payne and liberal Democrat strategist Jessica Tarlov after President Trump won.

As Mediaite reported, Tarlov opened up by whining that Trump “has an uncontrollable narcissism and rage about him when he feels insulted.”

Fox News anchor Bret Baier then turned to Payne, who responded that he thought it was mainly a “New York thing,” mentioning his experience growing up in Harlem. But then Tarlov interrupted him by claiming the country was at stake if President Trump returned to the White House.

Payne was not having her tacky response and quickly turned the tables on her. He decided that it was time to talk about the elephant in the room: Biden’s sick hatred of Trump supporters and how devastating it was to America. He specifically mentioned how he recently did a Google search on Biden hating MAGA, and it was filled with countless articles on the subject.

After Tarlov questioned who was writing the articles, he shut her down completely and included liberal corporate media outlets trashing MAGA in his blistering critique.

Payne concluded by noting Trump supporters want the same basic things all other Americans hold dear but are demeaned as racist in the process.

Tarlov was left completely without words at the end.

WATCH (segment begins with Baier’s question and Payne’s response):

Relevant transcript:

Payne: I don’t think it’s narcissism. When you have lived in New York long enough, you think it’s mainly a New York thing. When someone punches you, you punch him back harder. That’s how I grew up in Harlem.

Tarlov: Not if the country’s at stake, right (should Trump win)?

Payne: He became President of the United States with that same personality…Biden’s vitriol and hatred for MAGA is far worse than President Trump’s individual battles with someone who crosses him.

That is something that is really detrimental to this country, that the President of the United States despises HALF the United States! President Biden…I had a segment coming up, so I googled “Biden hates MAGA.”

Nothing but articles after articles after articles! He has expressed hatred for half the country!

Tarlov: Who was writing those articles?

Payne: It doesn’t matter! Because the bottom line is he has vitriol for them, and so does MSNBC, and so does CNN, and so does the New York Times. They have vitrol for half the nation they don’t look at them as fellow Americans.

(Tarlov opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out)

Payne (continuing): And it’s unfortunate. They try to paint them as racist. All the things that they do to their fellow Americans who simply want a safe home, a safe community for their prosperity. They (MAGA voters) want the same thing, they demean them all the time.

The post WATCH: Fox News Host Charles Payne Turns the Tables on Democrat Strategist Jessica Tarlov and Goes Scorched Earth on Joe Biden’s Sick Hatred of Trump Supporters, Leaving Her Speechless appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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