WATCH LIVE at 10 AM: House Judiciary Committee and House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Hold Hearings on Hunter Biden’s Contempt of Congress
The House Judiciary Committee and House Committee on Oversight and Accountability are set to hold hearings finalizing their report recommending that the House hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress and the resolution to hold Biden in contempt at 10:00 am ET.

The House Judiciary Committee and House Committee on Oversight and Accountability are set to hold hearings finalizing their report recommending that the House hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress and the resolution to hold Biden in contempt at 10:00 am ET.

The committee markup is “the key formal step a committee ultimately takes for the bill to advance to the floor,” according to

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the President’s son defied a subpoena by failing to appear for a deposition about his shady business dealings last month.

Instead of showing up, Hunter spoke on the Senate lawn.

During the press conference, Hunter told his friends in the far-left DC media, “My father was not financially involved in my business.” Of course, Joe Biden was heavily involved in his son Hunter’s overseas business–just not financially, says Hunter.

One Word Hunter Biden Used During Statement at DC Presser Tore Up Joe Biden’s Defense of Corruption Allegations (VIDEO)

The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability will hold a markup hearing of the full committee on their resolution to hold Hunter in contempt.

Via the House Oversight Committee:

Comer Announces Markup of Resolution to Hold Hunter Biden in Contempt of Congress

WASHINGTON—Today, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer announced a markup to consider a resolution and accompanying report to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for defying lawful subpoenas. The House Judiciary Committee will also hold a markup.

“Our investigation has produced significant evidence suggesting President Biden knew of, participated in, and benefitted from his family cashing in on the Biden name. We planned to question Hunter Biden about this record of evidence, but he blatantly defied two lawful subpoenas, choosing to read a prepared statement outside of the Capitol instead of appearing for testimony as required. Hunter Biden’s willful refusal to comply with our subpoenas constitutes contempt of Congress and warrants referral to the appropriate United States Attorney’s Office for prosecution. We will not provide him with special treatment because of his last name,” said Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).

The House Committees on Oversight and Accountability and Judiciary issued subpoenas to Hunter Biden for a deposition to be conducted on December 13, 2023. On December 13, Hunter Biden did not appear for the deposition as required by the Committees’ subpoenas. Instead, he appeared on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol with his attorney and Representative Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), where he made a public statement without taking any questions from the media and indicated that he would not comply with the subpoenas.

WHAT: Committee on Oversight and Accountability Markup

DATE: Wednesday, January 10, 2024

TIME: 10:00am ET

LOCATION: 2154 Rayburn House Office Building

The markup will be open to the public and press and will be livestreamed online at


Comer & Jordan Statement on Hunter Biden Failing to Appear for Deposition

Comer & Jordan Investigate Whether President Biden Sought to Obstruct His Son’s Cooperation with the House’s Impeachment Inquiry

Read the resolution here.

The House Judiciary Committee is also holding a markup hearing on their report recommending Hunter Biden be cited for contempt.

Via House Judiciary:

Markup of Report Recommending that the House of Representatives Cite Hunter Biden for Contempt of Congress


Location2141 Rayburn House Office Building

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