WATCH LIVE: House Hearing on Assessing The Impact of The Border Crisis On Emergency Management – 10 AM ET
The Congressional Homeland Security Committee is holding a hearing to examine “howthe worst border crisis in American historyhas impactedemergency management entities across the country.” This is all thanks to Joe BIden’s failed policies, which turned every state into a border state.
Border apocalypse – journalist Jeffrey Rainforth

The Congressional Homeland Security Committee is holding a hearing to examine “how the worst border crisis in American history has impacted emergency management entities across the country.”

This is all thanks to Joe BIden’s failed policies, which turned every state into a border state.

New York City and East Coast states have been overrun by illegal immigrants who are receiving free travel across America at the expense of American citizens.

NYC Mayor Adams Announces City will Reduce NYPD Officers to Below 30,000, Slash Education Department Due to Financial Impact of Illegal Aliens (VIDEO)

From the Committee on Homeland Security:


December 1, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emergency Management and Technology Chairman Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY) announced a hearing on December 5, 2023, at 10:00 AM to assess how the worst border crisis in American history has impacted emergency management entities across the country.

“The unprecedented number of migrants flooding across our border is negatively affecting the safety of every American by overwhelming emergency management agencies across the country,” Chairman D’Esposito said. “We see this complete security failure and its consequences in cities like New York, where the influx of migrants has led city leaders to divert dwindling municipal resources to migrant housing while first responder agencies remain overworked and understaffed. Americans are seeing a deteriorating public safety situation in communities across the country, and the chaos caused by our porous borders contributes greatly to that growing crime crisis. The men and women working to protect public safety and enhance community resilience in the event of a disaster should not be forced to bear the cost of this administration’s reckless border policies. I look forward to hearing from our witnesses about the new challenges, demands, and threats facing emergency management personnel amid this worsening crisis.”


WHAT: A Subcommittee on Emergency Management and Technology hearing entitled, “Protecting our Preparedness: Assessing the Impact of the Border Crisis on Emergency Management”

DATE: Tuesday, December 5, 2023

TIME: 10:00 AM ET

LOCATION: 310 Cannon HOB


Witnesses will be announced and are by invitation only.

The hearing will be livestreamed on YouTube and the Committee’s website. The hearing will be open to the public and press. Press must RSVPby Monday, December 4, 2023 at 6:00PM ET.

The hearing began at 10:00 am ET. Watch live below:

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