WATCH: Shameless Jake Tapper and AOC Spit Out Lie after Lie to Protect Blowhard Insurrectionist Jamaal Bowman Who Pulled Fire Alarm to Shut Down Congress (VIDEO)
This was a perfect Sunday segment that exposes the lies you are fed every day by the psychopaths in the Democrat Party and their cohorts in the far-left, mainstream media.
Predictable. AOC and Jake Tapper lie up and down to defend unhinged lunatic Jamaal Bowman who pulled a fire alarm to shut down Congress.

This was a perfect Sunday segment that exposes the lies you are fed every day by the psychopaths in the Democrat Party and their cohorts in the far-left, mainstream media.

On Saturday, unhinged Democrat Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulled a fire alarm in the US Capitol building to shut down Congressional proceedings. The Cannon Building was evacuated after this criminal action by Marxist Democrat Bowman.

Bowman’s actions were aimed at obstructing a crucial vote that would have kept the government operational.

The Capitol Police later released the photo. Bowman knew exactly what he was doing. He threw the warning signs on the ground by the door before he pulled the alarm.

According to a report by Breitbart News, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) allegedly tore down two signs warning that a door on the second floor of the Cannon House Office Building was for emergency use only. He then proceeded to pull the fire alarm, leading to a full-scale law enforcement and emergency services response, which resulted in the evacuation of the building.

Multiple sources familiar with the ongoing investigation have provided Breitbart News with photographs of the scene.

These photos show that the emergency exit door had two large red signs stating, “EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY—PUSH UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS (3 SECONDS) DOOR WILL UNLOCK IN 30 SECONDS.” Another sign on a stand in front of the door also indicated that it was an emergency exit only.

According to a source familiar with the matter, Bowman casually approached the door earlier in the day, ripped off the emergency signs, and threw them on the floor.

He then attempted to open the door and pulled the fire alarm. After the alarm was triggered, Bowman left the building through a different door on the first floor and made his way across the street to cast votes. At no point did he apologize or indicate that pulling the fire alarm was a mistake.

In response to Bowman pulling the alarm, his digital director, Emma Simon, offered a lame excuse, stating, “Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. The Congressman regrets any confusion.”

It was later reported Bowman told reporters, “I was just trying to get to my vote the door that’s usually open wasn’t open..I didn’t mean to cause confusion. I didn’t know it was going to trip the whole building. I thought it would help me open the door.”

This is a false statement, as Rep. George Santos later proved in a video he released after the dangerous incident.

Laura Loomer blasted Bowman on his outright lie: “Omfg he wants us to believe he actually thought the fire alarm was the way to open the door. Nobody is buying this lie. The doors all were marked as EMERGENCY EXIT ALARM WILL SOUND! There was even a big red sign in front of the door Rep. Bowman exited. He’s a god damn liar.”

Today HUNDREDS of Trump supporters have been indicted, prosecuted and sentenced to months and years in federal prison for walking inside the open doors on the US Capitol on January 6.

But Bowman is still a free man and the Democrats are circling their wagons to protect this criminal maniac.

On Sunday morning two dependable leftists, Jake Tapper and Rep. AOC , went on national television to lie for Jamaal Bowman.  That it how it works in Washington DC.

Here is the video.  It is revolting to see how easily they both lie so openly to the American public.

The post WATCH: Shameless Jake Tapper and AOC Spit Out Lie after Lie to Protect Blowhard Insurrectionist Jamaal Bowman Who Pulled Fire Alarm to Shut Down Congress (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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