WATCH: Ted Cruz Destroys Dick Durbin After the Illinois Democrat Lies and Calls Him a Bigot for Exposing Muslim Judicial Nominee’s Alarming Record
There was a complete bloodbath in the Senate yesterday after Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) rightfully tore leftist Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) to shreds after Durbin smeared his character.
Credit: @townhallcom

There was a complete bloodbath in the Senate yesterday after Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) rightfully tore leftist Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) to shreds after Durbin smeared his character.

As The Daily Caller reported, the Senate held a Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday on Adeel Mangi, who Joe Biden nominated as a U.S. Circuit Judge for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in New Jersey. During the hearing, Durbin cited the far-left Anti-Defamation League to accuse Cruz of “prejudicial treatment” and “bigotry” toward Mangi.

Cruz had exposed Mangi’s alarming record during a previous hearing last month. The Caller noted Cruz revealed Mangi’s position as an advisory board member for the anti-Semitic Rutgers Law School’s Center for Security, Race and Rights (CSRR). The organization issued a statement blasting the “colonial conditions of structural violence and inequality that Palestinians live under.”

Mangi refused to whether he agreed with that statement. He also played dumb after Cruz inquired whether he supported an event that the CSSR held on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 featuring terror-supporter activist Sami Al-Arian, who conspired to fund the terror group Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Cruz punched back ten times harder after Durbin orchestrated his cheap shot.

Durbin tried to cut Cruz off multiple times, but the Texan charged right through him. He had no answers throughout the Cruz onslaught, only meek lies that even Mangi previously refuted.

Cruz: I’m going to quote from you what you just said about me: that I said, “he is likely to be anti-Semitic or a terrorist because he is Muslim.” Now, you have just impugned my character by making a false accusation, and I will say it is disgraceful! Did you respond to any of the substance of what I said? No! You just attacked me and called me a bigot, and you responded by stating deliberate falsehoods. You said he would be the first Muslim...


Cruz: I have a right to defend myself when you impugn my character in a way that is a new low for this committee!

You did not dispute any of the facts I said about the organization that he was an advisor of, a donor of, and raised money for. Instead, you said he would be the first Muslim on the federal court, which is not correct.

The Democrats don’t want to defend the substance, so now they’re screaming Islamophobia, and I understand, playing the race card when anyone disagrees with the Democrats, they scream racist.

(fired back at Durbin) I am going to defend myself because, under the Senate rules, you have impugned my character in a way that’s blatantly false! Let’s respond with substance rather than invective.

Cruz then favorably cited another Muslim judge nominated by Biden, who the Senate overwhelmingly approved, further illustrating his opposition to Mangi was based on his awful record, not his religion.

Cruz: “Unlike Mango, he does not have an association with an anti-Semitic group, he does not have an association with whitewashing terrorism…It is not the fact that Mr. Mangi is Muslim that’s his problem; it’s the fact his record is extreme.

Cruz then cited the Coalition of Jewish Values’ opposition to Mangi and the organization Stop-Antisemitism, which has expressed alarm over his ties to the CSSR.

Durbin responded by uttering a blatant lie that Mangi had no ties to CSSR despite Mangi admitting that he served on its advisory board. This caused Cruz to explode on Durbin all over again.

Cruz: Did you just say he had no connection with this organization? Is that seriously what you said in this hearing? He was on the board of advisors and a donor and raised money for it, but you said he has no connection with them?

Durbin: See? You twist this situation (another stupid lie).

Cruz: Mr. Chairman, you just said he has no connection with this organization. Is that your view and the view of Senate Democrats? Is that your view that he had no connection with this organization? Okay, you’re refusing to answer because it’s obviously indefensible and false.

The post WATCH: Ted Cruz Destroys Dick Durbin After the Illinois Democrat Lies and Calls Him a Bigot for Exposing Muslim Judicial Nominee’s Alarming Record appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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