WATCH: The Only Candidate Opposed to Ukraine Funding – Former NFL Running Back Gets Debate Boost in Republican Primary for Arizona Congressional Seat
Jerone Davison is a former NFL Running Back who played college ball at Arizona State University before hitting the pros and has spent three decades

Jerone Davison is a former NFL Running Back who played college ball at Arizona State University before hitting the pros with the Oakland Raiders and spending three decades as a pastor.

As a MAGA political outsider, Davison is running for a House seat in Congressional District 4, the same district his Alma Mater, ASU, is located, and his campaign has continued to pick up steam. He’s won multiple straw polls in the district, and he’s hoping for a shot to square off against Democrat Rep. Greg Stanton, an incumbent who’s been a rubber stamp for the Biden administration’s widely unpopular agenda.

It can be recalled that Davison released an ad for his 2022 congressional campaign, defending gun rights and exposing Democrats as the party of white supremacy and the KKK. “When this rifle is the only thing standing between your family and a dozen angry Democrats in Klan hoods, you just might need that semi-automatic and all 30 rounds,” says Davison.

Davison previously told The Gateway Pundit, “When I grew up in the south, the KKK would be coming through, and everybody in our community would be scared and afraid, but I wasn’t afraid because my father had guns in the house and guns made me feel safe.” He continued, “The past is still relevant today because the Democrats are still terrorists.”

EPIC: Arizona Congressional Candidate Jerone Davison Exposes The RACIST Democratic Party in New Ad: “When This Rifle Is The Only Thing Standing Between Your Family And a Dozen Angry Democrats In Klan Hoods…”

Davison: Democrats like to say that no one needs an AR15 for self-defense, that no one could possibly need all 30 rounds. But when this rifle is the only thing standing between your family and a dozen angry Democrats in Klan hoods, you just might need that semi-automatic and all 30 rounds.

This time, he's back with a new strategy and RC Maxwell, a stalwart conservative, young father, and pro-Trump consultant, advising his campaign

"In 2022, Davison was a virtual unknown and still garnered a good chunk of votes," Maxwell told The Gateway Pundit. "Since then, he's remained active in the district and has become one of many grassroots leaders here at the local level. If Davison wins this primary, Stanton is toast!"

In order to face Stanton in November, he’ll have to beat Marine Corps veteran Kelly Cooper, a moderate Republican who lost to Stanton in 2022, and Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a family doctor who refused to attend the Republican National Convention as an Arizona State Delegate in 2016 over the nomination of Donald Trump. Jasser previously said, "I could not stomach casting a ballot for Mr. Trump.”

Recent debates have provided a lot of clarity about the candidates' stances on hot-button policy issues.

A clip of each candidate answering a question on Ukraine funding has been viewed thousands of times on Twitter. Davison is the only candidate to oppose the controversial bill recently passed in the House, where Ukraine was given another $61 billion handout by Republican leadership without a single capitulation from Democrats.

"I'm for ending funding to Ukraine," Davison said in the debate on PBS. "We haven't seen the President and European nations come together and try a thing called diplomacy. I think the bank of America should be closed for this war. I want to focus on the American people first. We have a border crisis that's never been seen before," he added after saying the U.S. was funding the "wasting of lives."

Cooper said funding shouldn't be cut immediately while likening Ukraine to an ally. Jasser took it a step further, saying cutting aid now "doesn't make any sense" before adding that "the best thing for the American economy is what's happening in South Korea, that little investment that we have whether its foreign aid or into our military budget has a significant impact on securing our own country."

Davison has also pledged not to accept money from big Pharma, saying that "dirty money is the root of evil in politics."

Clearly, he is the only candidate who embodies the concept of America First.

Davison’s populist approach is one of the reasons he’s gotten the attention of Trump confidant and seasoned political veteran Roger Stone, who called Davison an "outsider, a straight shooter, and an excellent candidate."

Something else creating buzz around Davison is his "Pledge to PCs," a multi-plank pledge in which he has promised to consult Republican leaders in his district before making major votes, offer his tax returns, and help conservative Republicans fundraise in their precincts instead of simply raising funds for House Republicans.

Congressional District 4 was redistricted in 2020 and is a toss-up with a voting index of D+2. This means whoever the Republican nominee is will have more than a fighting chance to unseat Stanton, who has yet to push back on Biden's radical agenda. Stanton is locked in step with Democrats on every vote and recently said Biden gave a "good, passionate, energetic speech" at this year's State of the Union.

Davison followed up his debate performance by also shining at a candidate forum where he stated his support for an immigration moratorium while imploring voters to send someone to Congress “with a backbone willing to say to say ‘no,'" referring to bills where Republicans make concessions without anything to show.

The Arizona primary election is on July 30th. You can learn more and support Jerone Davison here!

The post WATCH: The Only Candidate Opposed to Ukraine Funding – Former NFL Running Back Gets Debate Boost in Republican Primary for Arizona Congressional Seat appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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