West Virginia Secretary of State and Gubernatorial Candidate Mac Warner Explains Why He Believes 2020 Election was “Stolen by CIA” (VIDEO)
In a live broadcast on “Gateway: Beyond the Headlines” — the flagship show of Vigilant News Network (VNN) — West Virginia Secretary of State and gubernatorial candidate Mac Warner explained why he believed that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen by the CIA.
Mac Warner with President Trump (macwarner.com)

In a live broadcast on “Gateway: Beyond the Headlines” — the flagship show of Vigilant News Network (VNN) — West Virginia Secretary of State and gubernatorial candidate Mac Warner explained why he believed that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen by the CIA.

During a recent debate held by Metro News, Warner doubled down on his past allegations of widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

Mac Warner, a 23-year veteran of the U.S. Army and the current Secretary of State of West Virginia, made the bold statement that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) played a role in stealing the 2020 presidential election from Donald Trump.

“The election was stolen, and it was stolen by the CIA,” he said.

Warner referred to testimony by Mike Morrell, the former Deputy Director of the CIA, before Jim Jordan’s House Judiciary Committee. He highlighted Morrell’s testimony regarding a conversation with Antony Blinken, a Biden campaign senior adviser who later became Secretary of State.

According to Warner, this conversation involved a report about Hunter Biden’s laptop and occurred just days before the release of an Oct. 19, 2020, statement from 51 former intelligence officials. The statement suggested that the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop was ‘influenced’ by a Russian disinformation campaign.

“When Mike Morell testified under oath to Jim Jordan that, yes, he colluded with Antony Blinken to sell a lie to the American people two weeks before the election for the very purpose of throwing the presidential election. How does it not get stolen if the FBI covers it up and Mark Zuckerberg pays $400 million to put his thumb on the scale? That’s not fair,” Warner said.

Warner, a strong supporter of former President Donald Trump and an Army veteran, has been vocal on the campaign trail about his concerns regarding U.S intelligence agencies. He has stated that the CIA and the FBI pose greater worries for him than foreign adversaries such as Russia and Iran.

Former CIA agent John Kiriakou offered a contradictory perspective on Hecker’s show, stating that the retired status of the CIA officers mentioned should preclude them from having operational influence at the agency—a point that Warner later challenged.

In response to Kiriakou’s comments and Hecker’s prompt, Warner suggested that the use of names like Clapper, Brennan, Hayden, and Panetta significantly influenced public perception given their associations with the intelligence community, regardless of their retirement status.

Warner further questioned the response—or lack thereof—of active CIA and FBI operatives during the time, insinuating their complicity in what he described as suppressive actions by big tech companies.

“When you use the names of Clapper, Brennan, Hayden, and Panetta, I mean, those are synonymous with the CIA and these 300 agencies. And so, if they want to quibble over something like that, that they were former—yes, they were former. Mike Morell was a former acting director of the CIA. But why did Tony Blinken, who was acting on the Joe Biden campaign, go to them? For the very reason that they had been in the CIA. He knew that this was going to be used as the credibility of the CIA was on the line.

“And so, where I want to go with this is: why did the CIA, the active officers, remain so quiet about it? Why did the FBI remain quiet about it, basically covering it up? And why did those agencies go to big tech to silence, basically free speech in America, taking Trump off of Twitter, going to Zuckerberg with Facebook. And Zuckerberg has acknowledged that on the Joe Rogan show—that yes, the FBI came and tried to suppress the story.

“So, they knew exactly what they were up to. They got away with it. And this is fundamentally putting American democracy at risk. And that’s why we need to speak out about it. And I am so glad Jim Jordan is doing the job that he’s doing there with the House Judiciary Committee and uncovering all of this.”

During the interview, Warner elaborated on a variety of anomalies and instances of misconduct during the election process. He cited the acceptance of ballots past legal deadlines and the improper use of drop boxes, alluding to a poll indicating voter fraud and paid voting, which could undermine the integrity of the 2020 election.

What we saw in six or seven of those swing states, we saw problems, and we saw where election officials stepped outside their authority. In the law, that’s called ‘ultravirus’—you’re acting without authority.

And so, when you start accepting ballots three days after an election is over, when the state law says that ballots have to be in by election day, when you start using unsupervised dropboxes, accepting ballots without signatures, and those sorts of things… And I would like to mention just this recent Rasmussen poll that came out that said up to 20% of the people that voted by mail, in one way or another, either cheated or fraudulently cast those ballots, and some 10%, or whatever it was, were paid to cast a ballot. This was not the most secure election.

In fact, I think we’re starting to unveil that there was a lot of problems with this election, and that’s why it’s important to talk about it. So many of them wanted to say, ‘Oh, it’s over and done. Let’s look to 2024.’ We need to get 2024 right. We can’t have this divided country challenge or question the outcome of an election again.

And I think we’re right in doing so. I want to point out that it took us over two years to get to this point. Okay? It took a 2022 election for Republicans to take control of the House, to give Jim Jordan the authority to even start these investigations. And look what bombshell he uncovered. When Mike Morell says yes, Tony Blinken brought that idea to him.

He ran with it, with those 51 so-called intelligence experts. And then Joe Biden used that in the debate. They knew exactly what they were doing. They were lying to the American people. In the military, that’s called a psychological operation. They pulled it off against us. They won the election inappropriately. That’s why I made the statement that I did. And I will put into the context that I was asked a yes or no question on that evening of the debate last week.

And so I was channeled either yes or no. If I’d said no, I would have not been true to myself, true to the voters. I’m the chief elections officer for the state of West Virginia. I have a military background. I’ve taken oaths in a number of scenarios, one of them at West Point, where a cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do.

We had a huge cheating scandal at the academy when I was there, and over 150 of our classmates were removed, were expelled from school because they either cheated or they tolerated people who cheated. So when we have our three-lettered agencies lying to the American people and tolerating a lie, it needs to be called out. We don’t want three-lettered agencies, our own federal government, lying to us to determine the outcome of an election. And that’s exactly what they did in 2020. And so I can’t stand idly by when that took place. We’ve got to get it right the next time around.”

Learn more about Mac Warner here.


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