‘Where the Hell Are You Guys?! – Fight Fire with Fire! – These Marxists Are Going to Keep Doing This!” – Newsmax Host Carl Higbie GOES OFF on Weak Republicans Afraid to Take on the Marxist Ho
Newsmax host Carl Higbie went off on the weak and timid Republicans who continue to hide under the covers as the Marxist horde takes over the country.
Newsmax host and former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie goes off on weak-a$$ Republicans following latest Trump lawfare verdict.

Newsmax host Carl Higbie went off on the weak and timid Republicans who continue to hide under the covers as the Marxist horde takes over the country.

Carl Higbie, a Newsmax host, author, and former Navy SEAL went lambasted the House Republicans and red state leaders for remaining silent and allowing the Marxist Democrats to make up laws, abuse President Trump for weeks at a time in a New York State courtroom, strip him of his God-given rights bestowed upon him by the US Constitution, making up crimes, and then twisting a misdemeanor in to a 34 felony count offense!

Democrats are shredding the US Constitution. Joe Biden and his handlers are destroying the country and legal system, and Republicans are afraid to act!

Where are they?

Carl Higbie speaks for ALL OF US!

Carl Higbie: “Where the hell are you guys on this one, too, Mike Johnson? Stop everything in Congress. Subpoena everyone. Don’t take summer recess. Don’t take weekends. Don’t even get up to go to the bathroom. Get in there and subpoena everyone. This judge, his daughter, everyone affiliated with anything ever, ever.

I don’t care if we stop building bridges and highways and stop funding! You fight fire with fire. Otherwise, these Marxists are going to keep doing this. And red state AGs, you guys better start hammering these people. You have the opportunity Look, Democrats took what they alleged was a federal misdemeanor from the FEC and made it a state felony 34 times over. There’s no rules, apparently. Step up!”

Via Sebastian Gorka:

The post ‘Where the Hell Are You Guys?! – Fight Fire with Fire! – These Marxists Are Going to Keep Doing This!” – Newsmax Host Carl Higbie GOES OFF on Weak Republicans Afraid to Take on the Marxist Horde (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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