WHO Leader Dr. Tedros Says “Disinformation” Eroded Trust Between People and WHO – Forgets to Mention He Was the Main Player Behind the Disinformation
World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom recently called for world governments to “follow through with national ratification” of the WHO pandemic treaty after “disinformation” eroded “trust between people, governments and institutions.” Tedros made the comments at the the tenth Nikkei FT Communicable Diseases Conference in Tokyo.

World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom recently called for world governments to “follow through with national ratification” of the WHO pandemic treaty after “disinformation” eroded “trust between people, governments and institutions.”

Tedros made the comments at the the tenth Nikkei FT Communicable Diseases Conference in Tokyo.

Dr. Tedros: Last month, the UN general assembly adapted a political declaration on Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, underscoring their commitment to meet shared threats with a shared response. The COVID-19 pandemic upended lives and livelihoods, disrupting societies and economies, and exposed and exacerbated political fault lines within and between nations. It eroded trust between people, governments and institutions fueled by a torrent of myth and disinformation. And it laid bare the searing inequalities of our world with the poorest and most vulnerable communities the hardest hit.

Tthe next pandemic is not a question of if, but of when, and we cannot afford to repeat the same mistake of the past. That’s why WHO member states are negotiating a new pandemic accord and amendments to the International Health Regulations to strengthen the legal framework for the global response to pandemics. And we can’t stop there. We must follow through with national ratification and accountable implementation.

For the sake of future generations, we must not go back to the old cycle of panic and neglect that left our world vulnerable. We are stronger together.

Via Midnight Rider and Disclose TV.

The reason people have lost trust in the WHO is because Dr. Tedros lies and covers for Communist China.

The Gateway Pundit recorded several outrageous and dangerous lies spread by Dr. Tedros during the pandemic. How dare he accuse ANYONE else of “misinformation” when he is the king of misinformation!

Back in January 2020, the WHO and its General Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the coronavirus was nothing to worry about.

The WHO said there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission.

This was a lie. They knew then it was a lie:

But soon after this, Dr. Tedros and the WHO went from the coronavirus being no big deal to projecting massive death from the coronavirus.

The Gateway Pundit first reported on March 17, 2020, on the controversial Ethiopian politician and Director General of the WHO, Dr. Tedros, and his irresponsible and criminal fear-mongering. Tedros claimed in a press conference in early March 2020 that the mortality rate for the coronavirus was 3.4% — many multiples that of the fatality rate of the common flu which is estimated to be around 0.1%.

This egregiously false premise led to the greatest global panic in world history.

The Gateway Pundit reported, that the coronavirus fatality rate reported by the liberal mainstream media was completely inaccurate and the actual rate was more like a typical seasonal flu and less than 1.0%  – the media was lying again. In July 2020 our numbers were confirmed.   The CDC stated that at minimum 20 million Americans have had the coronavirus that have not been tested resulting in the coronavirus mortality rates similar to the flu.

President Trump eventually decided to break away from the WHO and stop funding them, but the US CDC responded by saying they would keep working with the WHO anyway.

The early numbers revealed that if you are under 60, the China coronavirus mortality rate is similar or less than that of the flu. It looks like the coronavirus panic was a scam. The Gateway Pundit reported on this back in JUNE 2020 – and we were correct!

Dr. Tedros, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, scared the hell out of the American people, created a panic, and pushed for lockdowns and social distancing that saved little if any life but killed the US economy.

In July 2020 the WHO started hiring social media influencers to sing praises of the failed globalist racket.

Breitbart.com reported:

Under fire from President Trump for its botched handling of the coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization has reached out to a high powered PR firm with the mission to find celebrity influencers who can sing the praises of the embattled United Nations agency and boost its public image.

The WHO signed a $135,000 contract on May 1 with Hill + Knowlton Strategies to reach out to influencers of all stripes, including celebrities with more than 1 million followers on social media, according to documents filed this week to the Justice Department.

Hill + Knowlton outlined a plan of action in its proposal that was included in the filing.

“There has been criticism and assertions leveled against the World Health Organization (WHO) and media coverage that could undermine WHO as a trusted and critical information source on global public health issues,” the PR firm wrote. The objective is to “ensure there is trust in the WHO’s advice and that public health guidance is followed.”

In addition to celebrity influencers, Hill + Knowlton said that it will identify “microinfluencers” who have smaller, niche followings, as well as lesser known people such as health experts who appear on news programs.

All of the propaganda in the world could not help people to see the truth and know that individuals like Dr. Tedros and the China-influenced WHO was lying to the world.

Now Tedros is blaming “misinformation” for the public’s lack of trust of this deeply flawed globalist organization. What he won’t tell you is that the misinformation came from Dr. Tedros and the WHO.

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