Wisconsin Woman Recoils as Joe Biden Invades Her Personal Space at Campaign Stop (VIDEO)
Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Wisconsin to brag about his dumpster fire economy and a $3 billion investment from Microsoft in a new AI data center.

Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Wisconsin to brag about his dumpster fire economy and a $3 billion investment from Microsoft in a new AI data center.

After trashing Trump during his disastrous speech at Gateway Technical College in Sturtevant, Biden made a brief campaign stop to speak with ‘supporters’ in Racine.

81 million vote recipient Joe Biden spoke to a few dozen ‘supporters’ in Racine before taking off to Chicago for a private, closed-door fundraiser.

Biden trashed Trump as he mumbled through remarks in a small venue full of hostages ‘supporters’ (the room was full of mainly media, staffers and Secret Service).

Joe Biden told the handful of supporters that Trump won’t accept the results of the [stolen] election. “He won’t, he won’t,” Biden said.


At one point Joe Biden creeped on a woman. He just can’t help himself.

The Wisconsin woman recoiled as Joe Biden invaded her personal space and shouted in her face.

“Guess what? Now Delaware is blue, blue, blue, blue, blue. Oh, you think I’m kidding — I’m not!” Biden said.

This is why Biden’s handlers don’t want him on the campaign trail. He can’t draw a crowd and he always creeps on women and children.


The post Wisconsin Woman Recoils as Joe Biden Invades Her Personal Space at Campaign Stop (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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