YouTube and Facebook Censored Viktor Shokin Video Responding to Joe Biden’s Lies and Details of His Dismissal… Was US Government Behind This?
On Friday morning, The Gateway Pundit published an explosive explosive video of Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor who was removed from office under pressure from then-U.S.

On Friday morning, The Gateway Pundit published an explosive explosive video of Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor who was removed from office under pressure from then-U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.

In the detailed and extensive interview, Shokin responded to allegations from the Biden regime, laying out his side of the story regarding the investigations into Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company that once employed Hunter.

Shokin’s video addressed a variety of points, from accusations that the investigation into Burisma was dormant to allegations of his corruption and his eventual removal as prosecutor.

In a lengthy, detailed response, Shokin refuted the notion that his investigations were “dormant” and explained how they were active, even leading to seizures of assets from Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky.

Viktor Shokin was removed as Ukraine’s Prosecutor General in 2016 due to pressure from Western governments (Joe Biden) and allegedly international institutions like the EU and IMF. His dismissal was part of a “larger anti-corruption effort,” as Shokin’s office had been criticized for not “adequately pursuing corruption investigations.”

Joe Biden was bribed $5 million and his son Hunter was also bribed $5 million to have Shokin removed from office. It’s called Bidenomics.

Please watch the video and read the entire response by Victor Shokin to Joe Biden and the mainsteam media lies.

EXPLOSIVE VIDEO: Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Responds to Biden’s Corruption Accusations and Reveals Shocking Details about His Dismissal and Burisma Investigation

During our research on this video we found that the video was censored by YouTube.

As Twitter user MazeMoore told us, the video was first published on Ukraine.gate website and on YouTube.

The videos were first uploaded on and then on Google-YouTube.

The Gateway Pundit confirmed the translation on the video was correct.

The videos on YouTube were posted on January 28, 2021. This was a week after Joe Biden’s inauguration.

And the videos were already being censored.

There are four videos in the series with Viktor Shokin’s interview being on Part 4 of the series.

The videos were loaded on Google-YouTube by MichaelEaddy4572. The four videos are his only uploads.

The first video had 1,000 views. The second had 113 views.  Part 3 had 48 views.  And part 4 with Shokin had 68 views.

The videos are being censored by Google-YouTube. If you run a search on “Shokin video” on YouTube the video WILL NOT pop up. Google is HIDING THE VIDEO.

It is impossible for a video with such explosive content would not have tens of thousands of views.

So, was the Biden regime behind this? Was the US government protecting Joe Biden by hiding this damning information from the public?

During our investigation, we also found that Facebook censored the video from the Ukrainegate website! Ukrainegate tweeted about this in early January 2020 before Joe Biden was sworn in as president.  This information was hidden from the public.

Via the Ukrainegate Twitter page.

In our report posted this morning on the Shokin video we also found that a flattering report on Viktor Shokin published in 2015 was also being censored from the Google search engines.

Leshchenko: Shokin is the best prosecutor in the last 20 years

In 2015, People’s Deputy Serhii Leshchenko commented on his decision to vote for Viktor Shokin’s candidacy for the post of Prosecutor General. He said Shokin is the best prosecutor in the last 20 years.

“I remember Shokin, who initiated cases against Pukach, Kolesnikov, Kushnaryov and Kolomoiskyi. And as a person who communicates with some investigators of the General Prosecutor’s Office, I have insider information about how Shokin behaved in office. According to them, this is the best of the proposals for the post of Prosecutor General in the last 20 years,” Leshchenko wrote.

This serves as further evidence that debunks Joe Biden’s claim that Shokin was corrupt.

This article is completely removed from the Google search engine. We found it on Bing.

So now we have to ask the question. We know that the Biden Administration is censoring, silencing, and removing voices on social media. That was proven in the MO v. Biden lawsuit.

Did the Biden administration censor these reports and videos with Viktor Shokin?

Let us know your thoughts

Special thanks to MazeMoore.

The post YouTube and Facebook Censored Viktor Shokin Video Responding to Joe Biden’s Lies and Details of His Dismissal… Was US Government Behind This? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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