20 Years Ago This Week Ronald Reagan was Laid to Rest – And J6 Political Prisoner and US Veteran Chris Kuehne Was Part of Reagan’s 21-Gun Salute (VIDEO)
Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com and edited by The Gateway Pundit.

Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com and edited by The Gateway Pundit.

Chris Kuehne was sentenced in February 2024 to serve time in prison for his actions on January 6, 2021, at the US Capitol.

Chris is a 22-year-old veteran who has received numerous medals and awards, including the Purple Heart, a Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Valor for actions in combat.

Chris has personally sacrificed his blood, sweat, and tears serving our country and has paid the price for his duty and continues to live with debilitating and invisible injuries. Even before this Chris has protected people and helped people in need. As a 9-year-old Cub Scout he was awarded the Boy Scouts of America’s highest honor, the Medal of Merit, for saving his young sister from a burning car.

** Please support Christopher Kuehne and his family in their fight against political persecution here.

On January 6, 2021, Chris went inside the Capitol but did not cause any harm or damage – in fact, he cleaned trash off the floor, helped to stop theft of government property, asked people to leave the building, and went up to Capitol Police Officers to ask how he could help. Chris was also set up by an FBI operative that day. Chris committed no violence and did nothing wrong.

One month later, in the early morning of February 11, 2021 Chris, his four-year-old child, and his wife Annette, who was pregnant at the time, were awakened to sirens, cell phone rings, and bursts of colorful lights reflecting through our windows.

Annette later went public about the raid, “The FBI instructed Chris to come outside immediately. Our 4-year-old was awakened from the chaos, and I picked him up and ran downstairs to open the front door. Our house, street and neighboring streets were completely surrounded by armed FBI and law enforcement. It was a scene that we see so many times in the movies, but now it was here at my house! There were three large armored tactical vehicles parked on my front, side and back yard, and police vehicles that extended throughout the entire community. I open the door, and for a second, I didn’t realize that there were about twenty FBI SWAT Team members with semi-automatic rifles pointed at my son and I. We were covered by the bright red lasers pointed at our faces, chests, and various points on our bodies.”

Armed FBI soldiers terrorize young family during early morning raid on their home. The FBI lit up the 4-year-old son and mother with lasers as they raided the home after US veteran Chris Kuehne was seen inside the US Capitol on Jan. 6 picking up trash. Something is very wrong in America today.

Chris Wray’s FBI militiamen forced Annette outside with her four-year-old boy in his pajamas.  They were forced to stand there on the cold cement.

It was 12° in Olathe, Kansas that morning. And the heartless morons in the FBI forced a young pregnant woman her little child to freeze outside in the cold morning air.

Annette lost their baby the next day after the trauma induced by Chris Wray’s FBI.

We are losing America to heartless tyrants.

Retired Marine Captain Christopher Kuehne served his country with honor, then his country turned on him and changed his life forever.

Retired Marine Captain Chris Kuehne served his country honorably. He was honored to attend and participate in President Ronald Reagan’s funeral. He gave the orders in the 21-gun salute.

This took place 20 years ago Tuesday.

The great Ronald Reagan was laid to rest.

Chris Kuehne was part of the 21-gun salute that day. It was a great honor.

** Please support Christopher Kuehne and his family in their fight against political persecution here.

Kuehne was later interviewed for his part in President Reagan’s funeral.

Retired Captain Christopher Kuehne shared this harrowing story of how his country turned on him and his family. His unborn child died and his family was changed forever.

The post 20 Years Ago This Week Ronald Reagan was Laid to Rest – And J6 Political Prisoner and US Veteran Chris Kuehne Was Part of Reagan’s 21-Gun Salute (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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