65% of Dutch Want Geert Wilders to Govern: “How I Love the Netherlands! I Will Be Prime Minister of this Beautiful Country!”
Dutch election winner Geert Wilders called on the other conservative parties to sit down and negotiate a patriotic coalition government with him, as 65% of Dutch voters said they want a conservative coalition to save their country from out-of-control migration, crime and government overreach.

Dutch election winner Geert Wilders called on the other conservative parties to sit down and negotiate a patriotic coalition government with him, as 65% of Dutch voters said they want a conservative coalition to save their country from out-of-control migration, crime and government overreach. The leftist assault on the Wilders party is already beginning, as Freedom Party negotiator Gom van Strien had to step down over unproven allegations of “corruption”.

An RTL News Panel poll showed that 65% of Dutch voters want a conservative coalition consisting of Wilders’ PVV Freedom Party, the RINO VVD People’s Party, the new-founded New Social Contract and the BBB Farmers’ Citizens Movement. 96% of Freedom Party voter support this model, 94% of BBB voters, 86% of VVD voters and 80% of NSC voters support a right-wing government.

“If (People’s Party leader) Dilan Yeşilgöz and  (New Social Contract leader) Pieter Omtzigt will sit down at the table with me and (Farmers’ Party leader) Caroline van der Plas tomorrow, and all four of us talk and make reasonable compromises, we will have a Coalition Agreement within three weeks. That’s what our voters want and it is the very best for the Netherlands!”, Wilders wrote on Twitter/X.

People’s Party politicians Halbe Zijlstra and Hans Hoogervorst called on party leader Dilan Yesilgöz to abandon her blockade of a center-right government, according to De Telegraaf, urging Yesilgöz to negotiate with Geert Wilders’ PVV. „Not because we think the PVV is such a a great party, but because it’s the right thing for our country.”

The designated negotiator for the Freedom Party Gom van Strien had to step down over unproven allegations of “corruption” today. Van Strien, who denied any wrongdoing, said, “The unrest that has arisen around this and the preparation of a response to it do not go well with my work as scout. I have therefore told Geert Wilders and the president of the parliament that I have resigned my position as scout with immediate effect.”

Wilders said it was “not an ideal kickoff” and promised to present a new negotiator for coalition talks Tuesday.

On Saturday, Wilders posted this historic reckoning on Twitter/X:

“For years they thought they could marginalize the PVV politically”; Wilders wrote on Twitter/X: (Former VVD PM Mark) “Rutte promised to ‘destroy my party down to the last seat’. (D66 party Finance Minister Sigrid) Kaag told me ‘Luckily you will fail in the polls’. Whenever I gave a speech in the House of Representatives, they turned away and stared at their phones.”

But they forgot that I will always keep fighting and never give up. And that setbacks only make me stronger. That I have mastered the profession of politics and love the debate. That I’m not afraid of anything or anyone. That the Freedom Party stands with the people, takes their problems seriously and voices them in plain simple language.

And now we have become by far the largest party in the Netherlands. How I love the Netherlands! So many people have taken the Freedom Party into their hearts. And I them. All of them! But some politicians still don’t get it. They’re digging into their political bag of tricks  again.

They don’t seem to understand:  if we are not given the opportunity to govern after a landslide upset like this, with millions of people behind us, it will only make us bigger and bigger.

The genie is out of the bottle and it won’t go back in. I remain positive and reasonable. I will continue to be moderate and there for everyone. Because the responsibility I feel is very great. The Freedom Party wants to help solve the serious problems facing the Dutch people today: 

Too many asylum seekers, too few homes, insufficient purchasing power and poor healthcare.

Today, tomorrow or the day after, the PVV will help govern the Netherlands – and I will become Prime Minister of this beautiful country.”


The post 65% of Dutch Want Geert Wilders to Govern: “How I Love the Netherlands! I Will Be Prime Minister of this Beautiful Country!” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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