99-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor Receives 1,000 Anti-Semitic Messages On Daily Basis Since Hamas Attack
Anti-Semitic attacks have exploded since Hamas ambushed Israel earlier this month.

Anti-Semitic attacks have exploded since Hamas ambushed Israel earlier this month. It has taken form in many ways including tearing down posters of missing children to making threats to people simply because they are Jewish.

This has taken an extreme form in online messages. Lily Ebert, who is a 99-year-old Holocaust survivor has been receiving about 1,000 hate messages on a daily basis since the October 7th attack. She lives in London and runs a TikTok account with her great-grandson. Their main aim is to educate people about the Holocaust and have a substantial following of over 2 million people.

The messages they received are very aggressive and cruel including references to Hitler and emojis that show the devil and the middle finger. Her great-grandson Dov Forman disabled the comments on their account because it became unbearable for her.

Daily Mail reported:

An Auschwitz survivor is ‘worried and frightened’ after receiving a barrage of anti-Semitic abuse online in the wake of the October 7 terror attack in Israel.

Holocaust survivor Lily Ebert, 99, receives around 1,000 anti-Semitic messages every day, since Hamas terrorists massacred 1,400 people in Israel and kidnapped 200.

Some of the comments she has received include ‘dirty Zionist’, ‘go die’, ‘you guys… prove why Hitler did what he did’ and ‘holohoax’.

She has also been told to ‘get bombed’ and been sent devil and middle finger emojis on her widely followed social media accounts. London-based Lily and her great-grandson Dov Forman, 19, run a TikTok account with 2.1 million followers, which educates people about the Holocaust.

This kind of persecution is a tragedy just by itself. She had to originally live through persecution as a 20-year-old woman when she was sent to Auschwitz. Lily spent 4 months there along with her family. Two of her sisters survived, but her mother and two other siblings died in the gas chambers.

No one who went through such trying times should be forced to relive such evil. This kind of behavior that we have seen unfolds is a testament to the condition of the heart and how evil one can become if unchecked and left unaccountable.

The Gateway Pundit reported recently of A Jewish boy in New York who was threated by teens. Anti-Semitic behavior has also been on the increase in cities across the United States.

A teen made threats to a 9-year-old boy on a playground with a knife yelling, “I will kill you, Jew.” This occurred on Monday at KIPP AMP Middle School Playground in Brooklyn in Crown Heights.

The police and the boy’s mother said her daughter was targeted also by this hateful teen. He also yelled “Heil Hitler” to them. The mother said that was directed at her daughter.

This is very disturbing at the very least. We have innocent children being threatened with violence because they are Jewish. The fact that people were yelling “Allah Akbar” to children inside the United States of America is unacceptable.

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