BRUTAL! Bill Melugin Throws Down Against Jim Jordan and GOP Lawmakers – “The House Approved $95 Million in Foreign Aid and Nothing for the Border. Why Should Republican Voters Trust You?” (VI
Kudos to FOX News reporter Bill Melugin for going where no FOX News reporter has dared to venture before.
FOX News reporter Bill Melugin confronts Jim Jordan on the lies of House Republicans to secure the border.

Kudos to FOX News reporter Bill Melugin for going where no FOX News reporter has dared to venture before. Melugin asked the most obvious question on overy Republican voter’s mind – why should we keep voting for these cowards and liars?

In April, Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans voted to send another $95 billion in military aid to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel and NOTHNG for securing our own border with Mexico.

The Final Sellout? Uniparty Devils Sending $95 Billion to Corrupt Foreign Governments – $300 Million Goes for Ukraine Border Security but ZERO DOLLARS for Our Own Border Security

This was the last straw for millions of Americans who thought they were voting for politicians who actually cared about America First and the global community second.

On Friday FOX News host Bill Melugin could not hold back any longer and asked Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan - who is holding meetings on the open border on Friday - why Republican voters should support the Republicans in Congress when they will send $95 billion overseas but not spend a dime on US border security!

Jim Jordan: We're on pace, Bill, to get to 12 million migrants coming into the country in the four years of the Biden administration. The magnitude of that number, that's equivalent to the entire population of the state of Ohio. We're the seventh largest state. That is how bad this is. And now suddenly, Joe Biden, because he's close to the election, and this is front and center on American people's minds, he's thinking about, well, maybe we need to change the asylum ruling and how we handle asylum, proving, as Senator Johnson said, that he could have done this all along. So we'll see what happens... We're out here today to hear from ranchers, to hear from border patrol agents, and to, frankly, hear from a mom who lost two children because of this fentanyl issue, just to underscore how bad it's gotten under Joe Biden.

Bill Melugin:  Yeah. And, congressman, real quick, Republican voters gave you guys a majority in the House during the midterms back in 2022, hoping something would be done on the border. You guys have had all sorts of press conferences at the border, field tours, border visits. I've been there for a lot of them. But at the end of the day, the House approved $95 billion in a foreign aid and nothing for the border. Why should Republican voters trust you guys to get something done on the border at this point?

Jim Jordan: Well, two things. One, we did pass good legislation last year that's been sitting in the United States Senate, and they won't take it up. That legislation would have solved the problem because it would have went back to the policies that were working under President Trump on asylum and everything else. Second, I didn't vote for that package. I thought that was the wrong way to go. I thought we should have tried to leverage that foreign aid to get something on the border. What I advocated is simple, use the power of the purse. No money can be used to process or release into the country any new migrants. That's what we should have done. Unfortunately, we didn't get the votes for that. But we need President Trump in the White House. We need Republicans in control of the Congress so we can enact House Bill 2 that we passed last year that would solve the problem.

Via Midnight Rider.

The post BRUTAL! Bill Melugin Throws Down Against Jim Jordan and GOP Lawmakers – “The House Approved $95 Million in Foreign Aid and Nothing for the Border. Why Should Republican Voters Trust You?” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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