EXCLUSIVE: Before Transferring to DA Bragg’s Office, Biden DOJ Bad Actor Matthew Colangelo Shut Down All 2020 Election Investigations
Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission Before Transferring to DA Bragg’s Office to Take Down President Trump, Corrupt DOJ Bad Actor Matthew Colangelo Shut Down All Investigations into the 2020 Election Steal.

Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission

Former Biden DOJ official Matthew Colangelo took a demotion to work in New York and go after Trump.

Before Transferring to DA Bragg’s Office to Take Down President Trump, Corrupt DOJ Bad Actor Matthew Colangelo Shut Down All Investigations into the 2020 Election Steal.

Corrupt Matthew Colangelo recently made a name for himself after he transferred from a top job at Biden’s DOJ to a low level position at corrupt DA Alvin Bragg’s office in New York. Colangelo’s move was to resurrect and ensure Soros-backed Bragg moved forward with a garbage case against President Trump.

When President President Trump discussed the fact that Colangelo was part of the Biden gang, corrupt Judge Merchan overseeing the case, placed an unconstitutional gag order on the President. Eventually President Trump was indicted and found guilty in a case where no crimes were committed.

Attorney Mike Davis discussed corrupt Colangelo’s connections to Biden and Obama.

It turns out that before resurrecting and pushing forward the garbage case against President Trump in New York, corrupt Colangelo was up to even more shocking corrupt acts.

Pennsylvania investigative team Leah Hoopes and Greg Stenstrom released information they uncovered that shows that corrupt Matthew Colangelo during his short term at the DOJ was the one who shut down all investigations into the 2020 Election.

Hoopes and Stenstrom put together the following timeline that implicates corrupt Colangelo.

The above time series shows in the first column that in October of 2020, former US Attorney General (AG) Bill Barr created a memo instructing all election fraud to be investigated Federally. This included the AG, the Inspector General, the FBI, and more.

Then came the election and after the election Barr received mountains of credible evidence of wrongdoing in the 2020 Election which is noted in the second column above. This information is still trickling in to this day.

On November 9, 2020, AG Barr issued a memo (noted in the third column above) authorizing US Attorneys to investigate US election fraud. Far-left sites like the New York Times reported:

Attorney General William P. Barr, wading into President Trump’s unfounded accusations of widespread election irregularities, told federal prosecutors on Monday that they were allowed to investigate “specific allegations” of voter fraud before the results of the presidential race are certified.

Mr. Barr’s authorization prompted the Justice Department official who oversees investigations of voter fraud, Richard Pilger, to step down from the post within hours, according to an email Mr. Pilger sent to colleagues that was obtained by The New York Times.

Mr. Barr said he had authorized “specific instances” of investigative steps in some cases. He made clear in a carefully worded memo that prosecutors had the authority to investigate, but he warned that “specious, speculative, fanciful or far-fetched claims should not be a basis for initiating federal inquiries.”

Here is Barr’s memo:

Bill Barr Nov 9 2020 Memo by Joe Ho on Scribd

In response to Barr’s memo (as noted in column four above), US Attorney David Kennedy from the Southern District of New York signed a letter encouraging Barr to rescind his memo from November 9th. Kennedy apparently did not want election fraud from the 2020 election uncovered.

On November 13, 2020, 19 Democrat AGs signed a letter encouraging AG Barr to rescind his November 9th memo (see column five above). Far left Law and Crime reported at the time:

Nearly two dozen state attorneys general urged U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr to reverse course on a recent change that allows the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to interfere with election results.

“This troubling last-minute policy change, which caused the director of the Election Crimes Branch of the U.S. Department of Justice to resign from his supervisory role, is wrong,” said Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul (D) in a press release accompanying an open letter making the plea. “For no apparent reason other than to indulge the outgoing president’s baseless attacks on the integrity of the election, AG Barr has further undermined USDOJ’s [sic] independence.”

The AGs who signed the document included Michigan’s AG Dana Nessel, New York’s Letitia James, Wisconsin AG Joshua Kaul, and many more where election issues were widespread in their states.

Barr never rescinded his memo from November 9th.

On January 20, 2021, the day that the corrupt Biden Administration was sworn into power, corrupt Matthew Colangelo became the Acting Associate Attorney General of the US Justice Department.

Twelve days after taking over as Acting Associate AG, Matthew Colangelo rescinded former AG Bill Barr’s memo from November 9th, 2020, requesting federal prosecutors to investigate election issues in the 2020 Election.

Acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson rescinded Barr’s memo from November 9th on February 3rd, 2021. Hoopes and Stenstrom identified in the documents they requested after the 2020 Election that Matthew Colangelo was behind the memo.

Per the attached the DOJ was aware of election issues in Michigan in 2020 and yet Matthew Colangelo worked behind the scenes within his first two weeks on the job to rescind Bill Barr’s memo of November 9th calling for investigations into election fraud in the 2020 Election. (See header in email string in below document.)

03.31.23. – Interference in 2016 or 2020 Presidential Elections 0 by Joe Ho on Scribd

Here is their description of the above events:

See below Leah Hoopes and Greg Stenstrom on the Joe Hoft Show discussing this breaking news.

This is HUGE.

The post EXCLUSIVE: Before Transferring to DA Bragg’s Office, Biden DOJ Bad Actor Matthew Colangelo Shut Down All 2020 Election Investigations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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