EXCLUSIVE: Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Tells Gateway Pundit – The Democrats’ Abortion Proposal Will Legalize Dangerous Hanger Abortions in Missouri (Audio)
On Monday, the Missouri Supreme Court rejected an appeal about how to word a ballot question on abortion in the state.
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft

On Monday, the Missouri Supreme Court rejected an appeal about how to word a ballot question on abortion in the state.

Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft had proposed asking voters whether they are in favor of allowing “dangerous and unregulated abortions until live birth.” The court rejected this wording despite the fact that this is factually correct.  Democrats in the state want to push a new law that will allow unfettered abortion in this deep red state.  The Democrats have had great success with this in several states so they are now pushing this in Missouri.

Missouri lawmakers have already banned abortion except in cases of medical emergency, but proponents of broader access to the procedure are seeking to put a question about it directly before voters next year. Democrats believe Missouri voters will allow abortion practices as radical as China and North Korea in the Show Me State.

Secretary of State Ashcroft promised on Tuesday to not stop fighting for Missourians to know the truth about the Democrat Party’s abhorrent abortion plans for Missouri

On Tuesday night The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft spoke with Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft about this radical proposal by Democrats in Missouri.

Here is a partial transcript.

Jim Hoft: Can I switch topics now? There’s also quite a bit in the news about the Democrats – they want to vote on abortions in the state of Missouri. Can you give us a little bit more explanation of what the Democrats are wanting to do and your thoughts on that?

Jay Ashcroft: Yes. They have filed an initiative petition that would enshrine the right to abortion in the Missouri Constitution if they get enough signatures. And then the people of the state could vote it into the Constitution. It is an extremely far-reaching constitutional amendment. It would not return us to previous days of a Roe v. Wade world. It would allow abortion at any time for any reason – sex selection, because of the race of the child, you name it.

And it would prohibit any safety regulations or rules that really would protect a mother undergoing an abortion. It would not allow us to require that someone performing an abortion be a doctor or even a nurse or a paramedic or even a lifeguard that has CPR training from the Red Cross.

It would not allow any protection. It would not allow any civil or criminal penalties against a doctor that intentionally or accidentally hurt or killed a woman during the commission of an abortion. And I just think it’s very important that the people know what it would actually do so they can then make their own decision about how they want to vote on it.

Jim Hoft: I noticed that in some other states, they put abortion on the ballot, and they’ve done well in states like Michigan. But they’ve also put in some very radical pro abortion language that allows abortions up to the birth of the child. Is that what Democrats are trying to do here in Missouri, too, or is that not included in their proposal?

Jay Ashcroft: Yes, they are. I cannot imagine a more expansive abortion constitutional amendment unless it specifically required abortions be performed or paid for by the state government. The only thing that it doesn’t necessarily require is state funding, although some of them would seemingly require that if the state pays for other health care, it would have to pay for abortions. But that’s not as clean cut…

Jim Hoft: That sounds really scary then… Is there ways to prevent them from putting this on the ballot, or will it be on the ballot? And we just have to educate Missouri on what they’re actually voting for.

Jay Ashcroft: To get on the ballot, they have to collect roughly 180,000 signatures spread out among six of the eight congressional districts in Missouri. My understanding is that they’re collecting those signatures now. If they do not collect enough signatures, it will not be on the ballot. And I always caution people not to sign anything unless they read the whole thing. Pro life Missourians probably shouldn’t be signing any initiative editions. And if a pro life Missourian is asked to sign something outside of a business they like to go to, they can tell that business. They don’t appreciate the business allowing pro abortions to collect signatures. And that would make it much more difficult.

Jim Hoft: …It’s well known that the abortion laws in several states are as radical as they are in China or North Korea. We’re not talking about Western Europe where they have limitations on abortions. That never gets brought up. So do you think Missourians are aware of just how radical this is?

Jim Hoft: No, I don’t think so. Most Missourians are busy trying to work multiple jobs and figure out how to put paper gas in their car and food on the table. And I think it’s very important for people that are pro life that believe that the role of government is to protect those with no voice and no political power to get out and make the truth known about what this constitutional amendment would do. The courts have mandated language that really hides what this constitutional amendment would do. And you know that the people NARAL and Planned Parenthood will spend millions of dollars trying to make Missouri’s believe it’s just about medical freedom and not about committing abortion… And not just abortion, but abortion at any time during a pregnancy,.. And they’ll get away with it if people don’t understand what they’re literally…

…I frequently like to argue the absurd, to point something out, but this initiative petition were it the law, I hate to say this, It would actually allow coat hanger abortion.

Jim Hoft: Wow!

Jay Ashcroft: Something that used to occur and killed women and destroyed their ability to have kids in the future! We should not, as a state, go back to that sort of thing.

Jim Hoft: I agree. That’s a very strong statement, sir… Thank you for taking my call. I know you’re traveling tonight, so thanks so much. And happy Thanksgiving.

Jay Ashcroft: Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for calling me. You helped my drive go by.

Here is audio from our discussion. Please note that Jay took our call while traveling across the state of Missouri.

The post EXCLUSIVE: Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Tells Gateway Pundit – The Democrats’ Abortion Proposal Will Legalize Dangerous Hanger Abortions in Missouri (Audio) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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