New Polling Finds Most Americans Don’t Approve of Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Scam
Most Americans do not approve of Joe Biden’s student loan bailouts, according to new polling.

Most Americans do not approve of Joe Biden’s student loan bailouts, according to new polling.

It’s hardly a surprise. Biden’s plan favors the wealthy and is nothing more than a vote-buying scam meant to appeal to young voters, who he needs and who are abandoning him at a rapid pace.

It’s also important to remember that the U.S. Supreme Court told Biden that he could not do this and he did it anyway and then bragged about defying the nation’s highest court. People see this.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Biden’s loan forgiveness faces low approval

Only 3 in 10 adults approve of President Joe Biden‘s student loan debt forgiveness, according to a recently released poll from the University of Chicago and the Associated Press.

Four of 10 say they disapprove. Combine that with the rest of those respondents saying they are either neutral or don’t know enough to say, and it is clear this move by Biden has failed.

And I mean “failed” in two different contexts.

First and foremost, the initiative was struck down by the Supreme Court in June 2023. The court ruled by a vote of 6-3 that the program doesn’t comply with federal law. Chief Justice John Roberts opined that the decision was nothing more than a simple interpretation.

Biden essentially made and broke a promise.

Yet despite the court’s decision, Biden has refused to give up on the matter and continues to claim that student loan forgiveness is on the horizon for many people. Instead of respecting the judicial branch and focusing his attention elsewhere, he has reiterated boasts about how he will push through with the program in spite of the Supreme Court.

Imagine the outrage from Democrats and the media if Trump bragged about ignoring a ruling from the Supreme Court.

Biden is ripping off taxpayers, many of whom didn’t go to college, in order to buy the votes of college students.

Is there any wonder why this is not popular?

The post New Polling Finds Most Americans Don’t Approve of Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Scam appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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