OF COURSE: Claudine Gay Likely to Keep $900,000 Salary Despite Resigning in Disgrace as President of Harvard
Former Harvard president Claudine Gay is likely to keep her $900,000 salary, despite resigning in disgrace after a plagiarism scandal, and her disgraceful testimony in congress about anti-Semitism on Harvard’s campus.

Former Harvard president Claudine Gay is likely to keep her $900,000 salary, despite resigning in disgrace after a plagiarism scandal, and her disgraceful testimony in congress about anti-Semitism on Harvard’s campus.

The left always takes care of their own and Claudine Gay is no different.

Gay will also stay on at Harvard as a member of the faculty and don’t be surprised if she lands a lucrative deal as a contributor on CNN or MSNBC.

The FOX Business Network reports:

Claudine Gay to continue as Harvard faculty member, likely to keep $900K salary

The recently-resigned Harvard President Claudine Gay will still likely earn nearly $900,000 a year despite there being numerous plagiarism allegations against her.

Gay, whose resignation will bring an end to the shortest Harvard presidency in the university’s history, will return to a position as a faculty member at the Ivy League institution…

“I believe in the people of Harvard because I see in you the possibility and the promise of a better future. These last weeks have helped make clear the work we need to do to build that future—to combat bias and hate in all its forms, to create a learning environment in which we respect each other’s dignity and treat one another with compassion, and to affirm our enduring commitment to open inquiry and free expression in the pursuit of truth,” Gay wrote, in part.

“I believe we have within us all that we need to heal from this period of tension and division and to emerge stronger. I had hoped with all my heart to lead us on that journey, in partnership with all of you. As I now return to the faculty, and to the scholarship and teaching that are the lifeblood of what we do, I pledge to continue working alongside you to build the community we all deserve,” Gay said.

Prior to being named president, Gay earned $879,079 as a Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean in 2021 and $824,068 in 2020, according to the Ivy League school’s newspaper, the Harvard Crimson.

No one should be surprised by this.

The left sure has it good!

The post OF COURSE: Claudine Gay Likely to Keep $900,000 Salary Despite Resigning in Disgrace as President of Harvard appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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