Salon Magazine: This Is ‘Democracy’s Last Thanksgiving’ If Trump Wins The 2024 Election, Americans Have A Difficult Time ‘Understanding Complex Information’
Salon Magazine’s senior politics writer Chauncey Devega commemorated Thanksgiving with a fearmongering article devoted to hating Donald Trump and debasing Americans who intend to vote for the former president in 2024.

Salon Magazine’s senior politics writer Chauncey Devega commemorated Thanksgiving with a fearmongering article devoted to hating Donald Trump and debasing Americans who intend to vote for the former president in 2024.

“Trump and his allies and acolytes are publicly planning to make him America’s first de facto dictator, which will mean the end of the country’s democracy,” Devega warns in an article titled ‘Democracy’s last Thanksgiving‘ published Thursday.

Trump is trouncing Biden in every rigged poll amid skyrocketing inflation, oil and gasoline prices shooting through the roof, manufacturing plants exploding on a regular basis, the Justice Department’s unprecedented prosecution of political speech as Americans continue to suffer from the fallout of the Biden regime’s Covid mandates, government’s continuous allocation of billions of American tax dollars to Ukraine — to name a few of the Biden administration’s catastrophic blunders that pose an actual existential threat to the republic.

Biden’s incoherence, incompetence and incontinence have ushered new dismal standards for the commander-in-chief.

Trump is resoundingly fairing better than Biden in polls and “ahead of Biden in key ‘battleground states'” because Americans are stupid, Devega argues.

“Journalists, pundits, the mainstream political class, other experts, and everyday Americans who follow politics and current events closely assume that the average member of the public does so as well. There are decades of research by political scientists and other experts, however, that shows this to not be true. In reality, most Americans are politically disengaged, lack a sophisticated understanding of political matters, are imagistic and emotional, have a difficult time retaining and understanding complex information, do not pay close attention to elections until they decide to vote, and more generally are civically illiterate,” the Salon author writes. “More than half of the American public reads below a sixth-grade level.”

“In all, the average voter also makes political decisions based on “calculations” and concerns that mainstream professional politics watchers — especially liberals and progressives — would find ‘irrational.”

In addition to the support Trump is garnering across the aisle, foul play will tip the election in Trump’s favor, Devega surmises.

“Given the Electoral College, voter nullification and voter suppression, gerrymandering and other structural failings in American “democracy” there is a very real and growing probability that Donald Trump will return to power in 2025,” he notes.

The media and ‘experts’ have failed to persuade the public into believing “Dictator Trump” is fascist, Devega laments.

“The sum effect is that these discussions and warnings about America’s ‘democracy crisis’ and ‘fascism’ are often ignored or filtered out by large portions of the public as being just more ‘partisan bickering’ and ‘politics as usual,'” he writes. “Intervening against that dangerous tendency requires making the stakes and implications of Trump’s return to power and the end of American democracy very clear, very direct, and very real for the average person. The mainstream news media and political class have largely failed in that task.”

“To that point, this may be the last Thanksgiving where the American people will live in a democracy, however flawed and ailing it may be, where their basic Constitutional and other civil rights are relatively secure.”

To educate ignorant Americans about the GOP subverting democracy, Devega features analysis from several experts to illuminate his Trump Doomsday fantasy scenario, primarily from anti-American rhinos.

Brynn Tannehill, author of “American Fascism: How the GOP is Subverting Democracy, is worried the transgender community will be forced to “detransition” if Republicans take power.

Echoing the Hollywood elites, Tannehill  vows to flee the country if Trump is elected.

“How will I spend Thanksgiving in the years following a Trump re-election? In Canada, on the second Monday of October. I suppose we’ll be thankful we got out because Republicans at both the state and federal level are making it clear that their goal is a future with every trans person either in the closet or detransitioned,” Tannehill writes. “If Trump goes down, the status quo holds for another 4 years. We’ll see if the GOP continues to be just as dedicated to “eradicating transgenderism” in 2028. Based on the core characteristics of fascism, my guess is yes.”

Rick Wilson, co-founder of The Lincoln Project and author of “Everything Trump Touches Dies” is afraid he will be targeted by the DOJ if Trump is reelected.

“If Trump wins in 2024, it’ll be a dark Thanksgiving indeed,” he bemoans. “Like millions of Americans, I’ll be contemplating how to protect my family from the coming authoritarianism Trump and his people have promised. As someone Trump ordered Bill Barr to investigate back in 2020, I’m likely on their list. It almost seems absurd to type those words, but it’s important to plan for the worst.”

Cheri Jacobus, a former Republican National Committee media spokesperson, assures that she maintains “a glimmer of hope that Justice will prevail” despite “the past 8 years of Trump thuggery, bigotry and treason.”

“I have hope and some faith because of Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky. Because of Fani Willis, Tish James, Jack Smith. Voters in an off-year election this month turned out to defeat Trumpism and MAGA fascism, giving me hope they will do so again next year,” Jacobus Some in our justice system appear to have the competency, backbone, and commitment to holding criminals accountable, despite a long history of Trump and some of his team skating on obvious crimes.”

It seems like just yesterday Democrats and leftwing pundits labeled Thanksgiving a function of white supremacy and genocide and sought to cancel the holiday.

Americans who “have a difficult time retaining and understanding complex information” lambasted Salon’s Thanksgiving tribute to Trump on social media.


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