Sandy Hook Families Continue to Attack and Harass Alex Jones Amid Bankruptcy Battle
Families of those killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting continue to level threats against legendary Infowars host Alex Jones for failing to pay them $1.5 billion in damages – that he does not have!

Families of those killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting continue to level threats against legendary Infowars host Alex Jones for failing to pay them $1.5 billion in damages – that he does not have!

Last year, Jones resigned to filing for bankruptcy for himself and his company Free Speech Systems after he was ordered by a Connecticut jury to pay $965 million in damages to 15 relatives of the victims and an additional $473 million to the judgment in attorney’s fees for spreading “misinformation.”

Adam Lanza killed the children at Sandy Hook school. The Lanza estate paid the Sandy Hook families $1.5 million total in its lawsuit.

In a motion filed Tuesday in a U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Texas, the families and a committed of creditors warned Jones “has not presented any viable path to emergence.”

“Nor has he done much of anything to preserve, let alone maximize, the value of his estate for the benefit of his creditors—predominantly the victims of Jones’s relentless campaign to defame the families of children and others murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School,” the filing states.

They claim the conservative firebrand continues to live a lavish lifestyle and “has yet to sell a single non-exempt asset” to pay off the fine.

“He has refused to adhere to a reasonable budget or engage with the Committee on ways to limit spending,” the Tuesday filing states. “And he has resisted commencing meritorious avoidance actions against insiders. In short, Jones has failed in every way to serve as the fiduciary mandated by the Bankruptcy Code in exchange for the breathing-spell he has enjoyed for almost a year. His time is up.

“There can be little doubt that the Chapter 11 Cases must resolve soon. Jones’s estate simply cannot fund an indefinite bankruptcy. Indeed, the estate is not only bearing the costs of Jones’s professionals, but also hemorrhaging approximately $65,000 to $90,000 a month (excluding legal and professional fees) to bankroll Jones’s lifestyle.”

In October, Texas U.S. District Judge Christopher Lopez ruled Jones could not use bankruptcy protections to avoid paying money to the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting.

In 2012, Jones surmised on-air that the US government may have falsified or concealed information about the Newton, Connecticut shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that left 26 dead and speculated the shooting could have been staged.

Jones “in many instances never mentioned the names of many of the plaintiffs who sued him,” Infowars reports. “In the second highest payout amount to the plaintiffs, the jury awarded FBI agent William Aldenberg – who Jones never mentioned by name – $90 million in compensatory damages, despite the fact he had no connection to any children or staff who died in the mass shooting.”

Jones announced he would challenge the unprecedented verdict immediately after it was delivered.

“They want to scare everybody away from freedom, and scare us away from questioning Uvalde and what really happened there, or Parkland or any other event. And guess what? We’re not scared, and we’re not going away, and we’re not going to stop,” he said on The Alex Jones Show following the verdict. “For hundreds of thousands of dollars, I can keep them in court for years, I can appeal this stuff, we can stand up against this travesty, against the billions of dollars they want. It’s a joke.

This corrupt, dying political system wants to try to make me the devil. I’m not the devil, and God is my judge, not you, you globalist scumbags,” he continued. “This is how desperate the establishment is. I am so honored to have this happening. So we’re waiting while the judge sent the jury back out because they didn’t put decimals on how many millions I’m supposed to give, and that’s why it’s such a joke. I don’t have 2 million dollars in cash.”

Communists have criminalized free speech.

Only ideas that offend a liberal are punishable.

If conspiracy theories are illegal now, why isn’t every employee at the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CBS, NBC, CBS, LA Times, and every other network that assured us experimental gene-editing COVID shots were safe and effective in prison?  

Someone should pay Trump $100 billion for the Russia collusion hoax. When will that happen?

The post Sandy Hook Families Continue to Attack and Harass Alex Jones Amid Bankruptcy Battle appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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