TERRIFYING VIDEOS: Muslim Lynch Mob Searches for Jews at Russian Airport in Dagestan; Storms Concourse and Tarmac, Tries to Search Planes After Rumor of Flight From Israel
Terrifying videos out of Dagestan, Russia show thousands of Muslims storming the Makhachkala Uytash Airport in search of Jews after rumors spread that a flight from Israel had landed there.

Terrifying videos out of Dagestan, Russia show thousands of Muslims storming the Makhachkala Uytash Airport in search of Jews after rumors spread that a flight from Israel had landed there. The passengers, reported to be Russian citizens, have not been physically harmed but at last report were still on the plane on the tarmac.

The videos, peppered with the familiar cries of “Allahu Akbar”, show the mob at the entrance to the airport, in the concourse, in the service corridors and then storming the tarmac–interrogating staffers. One video purports to be of a Russian pilot warning passengers to not open the plane doors. Another shows the mob detaining a man they suspect is Jewish and taking his phone and passport:

More videos below.

Excerpt from Ynet News report:

Angry crowds of Muslims gathered at the airport in Makhachkala, the capital of Russia’s Republic of Dagestan, where a plane arriving from Israel landed Sunday evening. Current reports indicate that passengers are still on board the aircraft, and it seems all of them hold Russian citizenship.

According to reports in Russia, the agitated Muslims are chanting “Allahu Akbar” and are looking to harm the Israelis who have landed at the city’s airport. There are also reports that locals are stopping and inspecting each car in an attempt to locate Israelis.

Conflicting reports are coming out of Dagestan. An official from the Muslim republic noted that the plane touched down at 7:17pm. Protesters then approached the passengers to inspect their passports. All passengers were found to have Russian passports rather than Israeli ones.

According to another report, the passengers were returned to the plane and are unable to disembark. An official arrived on the scene attempting to calm the situation, but without success. Israeli sources with connections in Dagestan had warned the Foreign Ministry and other relevant authorities on Sunday that such an incident might occur, likely in response to a similar incident that took place the day before.


At the entrance:

Storming the doors, pushing police aside:

Mob takes over concourse then roams service corridors searching for Jews:

Passengers ordered inside as mob roams tarmac:

Storming the tarmac:

Pilot: Don’t open the doors:

Checking the plane’s engines for Jews:

Interrogating worker on tarmac:

In one of these videos, the mob, while waving a Palestinian flag, attacks an airport police car:

Russian security forces deployed at the airport:

UPDATE: Bizarre (and scary) Russian media report relayed by Financial Times Moscow bureau chief Max Seddon, “Earlier, protesters in search of Jews were reportedly demanding to check passengers’ passports. Airport staff have now apparently told the crowd to pick three leaders to board the planes with a camera to prove to everyone that there are no Israelis there”

The post TERRIFYING VIDEOS: Muslim Lynch Mob Searches for Jews at Russian Airport in Dagestan; Storms Concourse and Tarmac, Tries to Search Planes After Rumor of Flight From Israel appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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