The Right Thing: 12 Headlines Showing How Europe Is Turning Conservative
Starting in 2015, most European countries began implementing frankly suicidal immigration policies.

Starting in 2015, most European countries began implementing frankly suicidal immigration policies.

In the deluge that followed, millions of people flocked unchecked to European countries – and less than a decade later, their societies find themselves in a situation of unmitigated disaster.

It is, therefore, no surprise that we are now witnessing a string of recent political victories that have led rightwing populist and nationalist parties to power or preeminence across Europe.

What follows does not aim to be a complete study but rather a quick snapshot into the situation, showing how many nations in the ‘old continent’ are simultaneously moving right.

The newest development in this scenario is the huge electoral win in the Netherlands:

Has Geert Wilders burst the dyke?

Daily Mail reported:

“Right wing nationalist Geert Wilders has won a ‘monster victory’ in the general election in the Netherlands sending shockwaves around the nation and the rest of Europe.

The 60-year-old heads up the Party for Freedom (PVV), which ran on an anti-immigration and anti-Islam platform, taking 37 seats in the election – more than any other party.

The result, which more than doubled his party’s previous share, puts Wilders – described as the ‘Dutch Trump’ – in a favorable position for upcoming coalition talks with the roughly half-dozen other parties that hold a significant number of seats.”

Italian PM Giorgia Meloni has made an effort to be accepted in the EU leaders’ club and to tame her right-wing image – but eventually, the immigration issue became so dire that she has to search for solutions outside the European scope.

Italy says migrant pact with Albania isn’t comparable to UK-Rwanda plan

“An Italian plan to build migrant camps in Albania cannot be compared to Britain’s bid to send irregular asylum seekers to Rwanda, Italy’s foreign minister said on Tuesday, adding the way requests would be handled would fully protect refugees’ rights.

Earlier this month, the right-wing government led by Giorgia Meloni announced the plan, as its latest effort to deter surging migrant departures from Africa and ease pressure on centers across the country.”

French opposition leader Marine Le Pen is leading in the polls and is already going around Europe to sow the seeds for more conservative victories.

Europe’s far-right gathers in Portugal, shows support for Chega ahead of election

“Still in celebratory mood after a shock win for Dutch populist Geert Wilders, some of Europe’s far-right leaders gathered in Lisbon on Friday in a show of support for their Portuguese counterpart ahead of a snap election in March.

Andre Ventura, leader of Portugal’s far-right party Chega, welcomed members of Europe’s Identity and Democracy alliance, including France’s Marine Le Pen and co-leader of Alternative for Germany Tino Chrupalla.

The gathering came days after Wilders, beating all predictions, booked major gains in the Dutch election on an anti-immigration platform. But his hopes of building a coalition hit an early hurdle.

“‘In Portugal, as in other European countries, the left has reached the end of its cycle… trust in us is growing, in Austria, in Germany, in France, in Portugal’, Le Pen told reporters in Lisbon.”

The same goes for Hungary, where Viktor Orbán, in his fourth consecutive term, is also lending his political support to right-wing leaders all over the world.

Orbán accepts invitation of newly elected Argentinian president

“Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke by phone with Javier Milei, the newly elected president of Argentina, and congratulated him on his election victory.”

One of the most feared (by the MSM) electoral phenomenon is the right-wing, anti-immigration Alternative für Deutschland, which has declared itself a ‘major all-German party’ after winning its largest-ever vote share in a western German state.

Far-right AfD says it is now ‘major all-German party’ after state elections

“The AfD, once seen as a party most relevant to post-communist eastern states, won 18.4% of the vote on Sunday in the powerhouse state of Hesse, around Frankfurt, and came second only to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). In Bavaria it came third, behind the rightwing populist Freie Wähler (Free Voters) party.

Alice Weidel, the co-leader of the AfD, said the gains were a breakthrough moment, showing that “AfD is no longer an eastern phenomenon, but has become a major all-German party. So we have arrived.”

The three parties that make up the coalition government of the chancellor, Olaf Scholz – his Social Democrats, the Greens and the pro-business FDP – received a drubbing in the two elections, with the FDP failing to get into parliament in Bavaria.”

As for Greece, it just became the only European country with three ‘far-right’ parties in its legislature.

‘Very worrying’: Three far-right parties enter Greek parliament

When leaders of the neo-Nazi group Golden Dawn were jailed in 2020, it was seen as an end to the party – once the third largest force in the Greek parliament – and the far-right ideology it had tried to mainstream.

All of that was called into question this week with the election of three far-right parties, including Spartans, backed by former Golden Dawn frontman Ilias Kasidiaris.

Spartans as well as the pro-Russian party Greek Solution and ultra-Orthodox Niki (Victory) scooped up 34 seats out of an available 300 and accounted for more than 12 percent of the vote.

Kasidiaris is serving a 13-year jail sentence for membership in Golden Dawn, now considered a criminal organization. From prison, he urged his supporters to vote for Spartans after his party, Hellenes, was banned from running.”

Even in the home of the EU, Belgium, an ‘anti-multiculturalism’ party is leading in polls for 14 straight months.

Nearly Half of Flanders Supports National Right Parties, Poll Reveals

“A new opinion survey from Belgium has revealed the continuation of a clear trend that has been witnessed across Europe for some time, especially in the past several months, where popular support for national, sovereignist Right parties has risen significantly.

This particular poll, carried out by the data analytics and market research firm Kantar for La Libre and radio-TV station RTBF, revealed that if elections were held today in Flanders, Vlaams Belang and the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) together would garner 46.3% of the vote, with the former party coming in first place with 24.8% and the latter taking second with 21.5%.

Regarding the latest polling data, Flemish MP Filip Dewinter, one of the leading members of Vlaams Belang, told The European Conservative:

The fact that Vlaams Belang is the largest party in successive polls offers unprecedented opportunities. Participation in a government in collaboration with the conservative party N-VA, is nearing closer. There is an excellent chance that a right-wing government will be formed in Belgium, just like in Italy. It is clear that the dissatisfaction of the population due to the government’s lax immigration policy is significant. The population desires change and they are obviously resistant to the agenda of the political class.”

Even in liberal Sweden, a ‘fringe anti-Islam party’ became kingmakers in the 2022 election.

Sweden’s election marks a new far-right surge in Europe

“Another taboo in Europe is about to be brokenIn Sweden, voters delivered a narrow mandate after elections on Sunday to a loose coalition of right-wing parties, including one with a neo-fascist past. On Wednesday evening, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, a center-left Social Democrat allied to other left and green parties, conceded defeat. Her party had won 30 percent of the vote — making it still the single largest faction in parliament — but their coalition secured three fewer seats than their rivals to the right.

The kingmakers in Sweden are the far-right Sweden Democrats (SD), a party founded in 1988 by ultranationalist extremists and neo-Nazis. Over the past decade, they have moved from the fringes of their country’s politics into the mainstream. This week, they secured some 20 percent of the Swedish vote, enough to make them the second-largest party in Sweden.

But they may not formally be in power. Such is the political stigma around them that they may remain technically outside a government led by the center-right Moderates and Liberals, yet crucially not in opposition. Coalition politics carry many complexities and wrangling over the new government may take weeks. Whatever the outcome, it seems the far-right SD believes it has a major seat at the table in a country long known for its progressive ethos and policies.”

In Switzerland, a party that pledged to cap the population at 10 million won big in the October election.

Swiss anti-immigration party rebounds to become largest parliamentary faction

“Switzerland’s anti-immigration Swiss People’s Party rebounded from searing losses four years ago to become the largest parliamentary faction after the election, official results showed, as two environmentally-minded parties lost ground despite record glacier melt in the Alpine country.

Pre-election polls suggested that Swiss voters had three main concerns: Rising fees for the obligatory, free market-based health insurance system; climate change, which has eroded Switzerland’s many glaciers; and worries about migrants and immigration.

The final tally late Sunday showed the people’s party, known as SVP by its German-language acronym, gained nine seats compared to the last vote in 2019, and climbed to 62 seats overall in parliament’s 200-member lower house. The Socialists, in second, added two seats to reach 41 in that chamber, known as the National Council.”

In Austria, the Anti-immigration party is also set to win next year’s elections.

Alarm over Austria far-right party video as its support soars

“Austria’s far-right Freedom Party — which is expected to win next year’s elections — has sparked fury with a ‘frightening’ video glorifying fascist thinkers and making knowing nods to the country’s Nazi past.

The two-minute promo — which splices an extremist conspiracy theory that white Europeans are being replaced by migrants with images of Notre Dame in Paris in flames — was made by the party’s youth wing.

But the Freedom Party’s hardline leader Herbert Kickl sprang to its defence, calling the video ‘great’.

‘I criticise the whole pseudo furore’, he said, insisting that the video, on the party’s official YouTube channel, showed ‘young people… with a positive approach to their homeland and nature’.

The video shows the party’s youth wing taking part in torchlight processions and standing below the Vienna balcony where Adolf Hitler gave his iconic speech when he returned to his homeland in triumph after the Nazis annexed Austria in 1938.”

In Slovakia, when Leftwing populist Robert Fico became PM again, he did it with help from the ‘Ultra-nationalist’ party.

Slovakia’s Fico signs coalition deal with far-right party

“A former prime minister of Slovakia who plans to end the country’s military support for Ukraine is poised to return to office after his political party signed a deal Wednesday with two other parties to form a coalition government.

The leftist Smer, or Direction, party captured 22.9% of the vote in Slovakia’s Sept 30 parliamentary election. The party’s leader, populist former Prime Minister Robert Fico, needed to find coalition partners to rule with a majority in the country’s 150-seat Parliament.

The memorandum signed Wednesday provides for a coalition of Smer, which holds 42 seats; the left-wing Hlas, or Voice, party, which placed third in the election and has 27 seats; and the ultra-nationalist and pro-Russia Slovak National Party, which has 10 lawmakers in the new parliament.

Fico’s former deputy in Smer, Peter Pellegrini, is the leader of Hlas. Pellegrini parted ways with Fico after the scandal-tainted Smer lost the previous election in 2020. Their reunion was a key to Fico’s ability to form a government.”

Last but not least, in the new NATO country Finland: Anti-immigration party locked seven out of 19 ministers following the 2023 election.

Finland’s election winner seeks to govern with anti-immigration party

“Finland’s conservative National Coalition, winner of this month’s parliamentary election, said on Thursday it hopes to form a majority government together with the eurosceptic, anti-immigration Finns Party and two smaller groups.

The four parties will negotiate under the leadership of National Coalition Party (NCP) head Petteri Orpo, a fiscal conservative who is widely expected to replace left-wing leader Sanna Marin as Finland’s next prime minister.

“We really have big challenges ahead, we have to make difficult decisions, we have to make savings, we have to make reforms but I think they can be done and with this combination I think we can do it,” Orpo told a news conference.

The NCP won 48 seats in the April 2 election, ahead of the Finns with 46, while Marin’s Social Democrats came third with 43 elected members of the 200-seat parliament.”

The post The Right Thing: 12 Headlines Showing How Europe Is Turning Conservative appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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