Video Shows Random Bus Station Sitting in Arizona Desert to Pick Up Border Invaders
Anthony Aguero posted video this past weekend from the Arizona border with Mexico.
A random bus station in the Arizona desert to pick up illegals invading the United States. This is a highly organized operation – via Anthony Aguero.

Anthony Aguero posted video this past weekend from the Arizona border with Mexico.

Aguero filmed a random bus station in the Arizona desert across from the border with Mexico. Illegal aliens are shipped across the region once they illegally cross into the US and Arizona from Mexico.

The invasion is a highly organized operation that involves NGOs, government, and businesses cooperating together to distribute the invaders across the US.

This is Joe Biden’s America.

Anthony Aguero: These NGOs out here continue to come through here and they’re facilitating the entrance. They are encouraging more people to come over illegally. As you can see right here, this is a water station. Pretty much. These people come here, they fill up their water bottles, come grab as much water as they need. Sometimes they leave there’s some of the cups, sometimes they leave food, sometimes they leave snacks for them. But nonetheless, this is a water station. And let me show you guys what the interesting thing about this is. Right across from this water station, which this is the wall right here. And you can see people have started small brush fires out here. Right across from this station, guys, is this.

A random bus station in the middle of nowhere at this particular location, migrants will arrive throughout the day, all day long by these random bus companies arriving there. Then they would wait until given the green light to get to these water rehydration stations put out by Humane Borders out of Arizona, which is the NGO who is currently operating out here in the aiding and abetting with these individuals as they’re coming in. The funny thing about it is that these individuals actually out here on the border, know the exact times that migrants are coming through and the exact locations. So there seems to be coordination between both sides. Ironically enough, in order to volunteer for these NGOs, you have to have a valid passport.

The post Video Shows Random Bus Station Sitting in Arizona Desert to Pick Up Border Invaders appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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