WATCH: Kari Lake Warns of Dark Days if Soros-Funded Defamation Lawsuit by Election Official Involved in her Rigged Election Succeeds
Kari Lake spoke to The Gateway Pundit on Wednesday to discuss a Maricopa County election official’s “dangerous” attempt to sue her for alleged defamation after she criticized his role in the stolen midterm election.

Kari Lake spoke to The Gateway Pundit on Wednesday to discuss a Maricopa County election official’s “dangerous” attempt to sue her for alleged defamation after she criticized his role in the stolen midterm election.

These same unscrupulous officials barred The Gateway Pundit from accessing press conferences before and after the rigged election, where 60% of voting machines failed on election day, causing hours-long wait times for Republicans to cast their sacred vote in person. They even called the police on The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson and Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam and threatened arrest because they attempted to report news at the County election center.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals later concluded the county’s refusal to grant a press pass to TGP and Conradson was based on viewpoints expressed in his writings and said it violated the First Amendment.

Violating the First Amendment is nothing new for the so-called Republican Maricopa County officials.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, the lawsuit by Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer is backed by Protect Democracy, the same far-left Soros-tied nonprofit behind Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss’ $148 million defamation lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani after he claimed the two women contributed to voter fraud in Georgia’s 2020 election.

Protect Democracy is also funding the two women in their lawsuit against The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft. Protect Democracy worked tirelessly and petitioned the DOJ to shut down the Arizona 2020 election audit and silence election critics.

A Maricopa County Judge recently ruled that this assault on Lake’s First Amendment right to criticize the government for running sham elections will proceed to trial. This is also an assault on her right to attack political opponents, which includes the election officials because they’re so corrupt and prejudiced against Kari Lake.

Judge Rules that Maricopa County Election Official’s Defamation Lawsuit against Kari Lake for Criticizing Rigged Election for Governor Will go to Trial – Lawsuit Backed by the Same Group that Sued Rudy Giuliani for $148 MILLION and Gateway Pundit

The leftist group wants to bankrupt and destroy anybody who questions elections in America, much like the swamp in Arizona and the radical Attorney General who has indicted Cochise County officials for simply doing their job and attempting to ensure voter integrity in the last election.

Richer, who oversaw early voting, founded and operated the Pro-Democracy Republicans PAC, a dark money PAC aimed at eliminating candidates with a MAGA agenda. Any honest person can see that he is a nonobjective election official, and any honest person who saw the evidence of Kari Lake’s stolen election would reasonably believe that he and his colleagues intentionally rigged the election.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Kari Lake’s ongoing lawsuit against the stolen midterm election in Arizona. The election day anomalies and discrepancies included likely intentional machine failures at 60% of Maricopa County polling locations, misread votes, and hundreds of thousands of illegal mail-in ballots with no chain of custody or signature verification.

These highly suspicious voting machine “errors” occurred on the same day that Republicans turned out 3:1 to vote for their Trump-Endorsed candidates.

Watch the incredible, must-see “State of Denial: Arizona” documentary, which exposes Kari Lake’s stolen election and the absurd lies by Maricopa County officials in public and under oath in a court of law.

Lake is now running for US Senate with President Trump’s endorsement, and she holds a solid lead in the general election polling. She told The Gateway Pundit, “They’re scared to death.”

“They’re trying to do a tyrannical launch of lawfare on me to try to stop me in my run for US Senate, and I won’t be stopped. I won’t be deterred,” she continued.

Lake spoke to The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson to share her thoughts and discuss the damning consequences if these thugs prevail.

Watch below:

CONRADSON: Kari, I want to talk about this recent defamation lawsuit. It’s an attack on our civil rights as Americans, our right to speak out. Stephen Richer is suing you for defamation backed by the same left-wing Soros-funded organization that sued Rudy Giuliani and is also suing the Gateway Pundit. And I just want to get your thoughts; what do you think of Stephen Richer, a so-called Republican, using such a far-left Soros-funded organization to sue you for speaking out against the election?

LAKE: Well, no respectable Republican would ever employ or use the resources of a Soros-backed group like this. So, you know, I don’t even really consider him a Republican. This is outrageous. He is an elected official. He’s an elected official who chose to get into politics, who chose to run for probably the most contentious election seat in the country at ground zero for election fraud, and somehow thought he would be able to run elections the way they were run in Arizona in 2022, and be free from any tough questions or criticism. And this is why this same character banned you, Jordan, and other respectable journalists from even attending press conferences to talk about the election and the shenanigans because they didn’t want difficult questions. They don’t want Americans to be able to question government workers and government officials about any fraud that is happening in our government. It’s very dangerous what’s happening. All Americans should be paying close attention to this case. We’ve got, unfortunately, a corrupt judicial, we’ve got a corrupt government here in Arizona, and a bunch of Soros attorneys flying in from DC and New York to try to take away my First Amendment rights. And I will tell you this, if they’re successful at taking away my protected political speech, and my freedom as an American to speak out and question our government and criticize our government officials, if they’re able to take this case and win, every American will lose their ability to have a First Amendment right to petition grievances and question their government. You will not be able to go to a school board meeting, a city council meeting, a town council meeting, or a board of supervisors meeting, and you won’t be able to criticize elected officials anymore or your government anymore if they’re successful in this case, because you will be at risk of being sued for defamation by these tyrants. And so it’s an important case that all Americans should be watching and all Americans should care about, and they’re trying to go after people like President Trump. He’s in the middle of a defamation case as well; Rudy Giuliani, me, Kari Lake, and others. At the same time, they’ve weaponized the Bar Association in various states to go after our attorneys, so we don’t even have legal representation. I have four attorneys who had the courage to represent; not the courage, they’re doing their job, representing me. And now they’re all being threatened with bar complaints to lose their ability to practice law, lose their ability to put food on the table and make a living. It’s absolutely disgusting What’s happening in this country right now. This is what happens when elections are run like they’re run in third world countries and people are frauds taking over our government. This is what you get: a complete teardown of the United States Constitution. Our rights are being trampled left and right, and that’s why we have to stand up and fight back and not back down from these fights.

CONRADSON: As a journalist, I find it terrifying that when 60% of the machines fail on election day, they insert hundreds of thousands of bogus mail-in ballots with no signature verification, and no chain of custody documentation, that they can then turn around and sue you or come after your bar license or try to indict you for simply speaking out and exercising your first amendment. Is the First Amendment even relevant today if they are able to succeed with this defamation lawsuit against you?

LAKE: If they’re able to succeed with their army of Soros attorneys and a crooked judicial system, then our First Amendment is officially dead. It’s officially dead. And a parent, a mother, a father out there will not be able to stand up at a school board meeting and question those elected officials about how they’re educating their children and how they’re spending the money. We won’t be able to question our government anymore, and we will be left without a voice. And so, I encourage everyone to pay very close attention to this case. And I’m encouraging people to support me in this fight. They want to leave every one of us fighters without a roof over our head, penniless, for having the courage and, more importantly than courage, the duty. We have a duty as Americans to stand up to our government. It is our duty as Americans. Remember when Ben Franklin, at the age of 81 when they were crafting the United States Constitution, and he was asked what kind of government are you giving us, he said a Republic, if you can keep it. It is our duty to keep this Republic, and we’re at the end stages of a Marxist takeover right now. This is a war. This is a war that’s being fought from within our own government. And it’s being launched at We The People, and this is the most important year of our lives. I can’t stress that enough. This is a year where you got to put everything on the line; you have to be willing to sacrifice every last thing you have. Because let me tell you what your assets, your bank account, your materialistic things. Everything you enjoy will mean nothing if we lose our country, and this is so important. And they know that I’m a fighter. They’re scared to death, about me winning this US Senate seat and going to DC and giving the majority to the Republicans so that we can actually turn this nightmare around. And so they’re trying to do a tyrannical launch of lawfare on me to try to stop me in my run for US Senate, and I won’t be stopped. I won’t be deterred. I will stand up and fight for Arizona and the people to have a voice and a vote in this state.

The post WATCH: Kari Lake Warns of Dark Days if Soros-Funded Defamation Lawsuit by Election Official Involved in her Rigged Election Succeeds appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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