Worldwide Trend: New Zealand’s Conservative PM Christopher Luxon Vows To Cut Taxes, Roll Back Citizen’s Gun Restrictions, Revert Oil and Gas Exploration Ban
The world is starting to get it ‘right’.
New Zeland PM Christopher Luxon.

The world is starting to get it ‘right’.

In another relevant development in the worldwide realignment to the right, the Conservative New Zealand’s National Party finally sealed agreement on a new three-party coalition government.

This took drawn-out negotiations over ministerial roles and policies – including Indigenous rights, tax cuts and changes at the central bank.

The centre-right Nationals, led by incoming Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, will return to power alongside the populist New Zealand First party and libertarian ACT New Zealand.

This comes after six long years of rule by governments led by the left-leaning, fiercely Globalist Labour Party.

Reuters reported:

“‘We believe in this country, we are ambitious for it and we know that with the right leadership, the right policies, and the right direction, together we New Zealanders can make this an even better country’, Luxon said in a speech ahead of the formal signing of the agreement at parliament.

The coalition agreement outlines plans to roll back the use of Maori language, review affirmative action policies and assess how the country’s founding treaty document is interpreted in legislation. However, a controversial proposal to have a referendum on the interpretation of the document, the Treaty of Waitangi, will not happen.”

The outgoing Labour Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, successor to Covid-crazed Jacinda Adern, said the changes in policy were going to turn back ‘progress’.

New PM Luxon said the government will amend the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 2021, in order to remove the ‘dual mandate’ on inflation and employment – and to focus monetary policy only on price stability.

There are also ambitious plans to repeal a ban on offshore oil and gas exploration introduced by the previous Labour government, according to coalition documents.

“The new government will cut personal income taxes, following through on a campaign policy used to woo middle income voters struggling with rising costs of living.

‘Delivering tax relief is just one part of the Government’s plan to rebuild the economy. The Government will ease the cost of living, reduce wasteful spending, and lift economic growth to increase opportunities and prosperity for all New Zealanders’, Luxon said.”

The three new ruling parties said they plan to “re-write the Arms Act” without giving any further details.

They are poised to undertake a review of the ‘gun registry’ introduced after a shooter killed 51 Muslim worshippers in 2019.

The plans also aim to train no fewer than 500 new Police officers.

It was only six weeks after New Zealand’s general election that Luxon was able to tell a media conference that the three parties had agreed on a ‘common sense’ plan that reflected their values and policies.

“’We want change that makes our great country even better and this coalition government is going to deliver that change’, he said.

After a signing ceremony at parliament on Friday, Luxon said the role of deputy prime minister would be split between the populist NZ First party leader, Winston Peters, and the Act party leader, David Seymour. Peters will take the role for the first half of the term, and Seymour will go second.

National party deputy leader Nicola Willis would be finance minister and Peters would be foreign minister, the three parties said in a joint statement.”

It will be the first time in New Zealand’s history that three parties will forme a coalition.

Read more:

Conservative Leader Christopher Lexon Wins General Elections in New Zealand Over Leftwing Party of Tyrannical Flake Jacinda Ardern

The post Worldwide Trend: New Zealand’s Conservative PM Christopher Luxon Vows To Cut Taxes, Roll Back Citizen’s Gun Restrictions, Revert Oil and Gas Exploration Ban appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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